Chapter 7

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"Draco, Destiny, we need to speak privately please," Lucius spoke. The way his voice deepened sent shivers down Eliza's back. Destiny quickly told Eliza they would be back soon. As they walked to Lucius's office, each step made them grow more anxious. They had no clue what their father would say about but clearly it wouldn't be good.

"Draco, please explain what Potter's sister is doing here," Draco stood extremely still and kept a stone face just like their parents did. 


"She's my friend father, I invited her," Destiny was shot a very hard glare before Lucius looked back at Draco.

"I wasn't speaking to you Destiny, you do not speak unless spoken too," Destiny lowered her head and just kept quiet.

"I have no clue why she is here, I had no say in her coming, I don't even like her father," That answer clearly wasn't good enough for Lucius as he screamed a 'Crucio' at seventeen year old Draco. 

"Father stop please! He is speaking the truth," 

The screams of Draco echoed throughout the office, possibly even the manor.

"The more you speak out of line the more it gets turned onto your precious brother, keep that in mind," Destiny shut her mouth and soon the curse stopped and Draco lay on the floor. 

"I do not allow filth in my house, keep that in mind Draco." Once Lucius left the room Destiny ran immediately to her brothers side.

"Draco i'm so sorry, are you okay?" he rolled over and sat up but looked at her with a reassuring smile.

"I'm alright, let's go so Potter doesn't suspect anything," Destiny helped Draco stand and they started to leave Lucius office. However it was obvious something had happened as Draco limped and Destiny had her makeup smudged a little.

"Sorry for making you wait Liz, let's go shall we?" Eliza nodded and followed Destiny as they linked arms. She hadn't noticed anything wrong. Which worked well in Draco's favor.

They had been sitting in Destiny's room and were bored so the girls decided to go to Draco's room.

"I have to use the bathroom first, start heading to his room, I'm sure you can find it," Eliza nodded and left the room. She knew where his room was so it wasn't too hard to figure out. However something else caught her attention. Voices.

"My lord, I assure you, Draco is only seventeen, does he need the dark mark?" Eliza peeked around the corner and was shocked.

At the long dining table was none other than Voldemort and his loyal followers. Voldemort sat at the head of the table with Bellatrix to his left and Lucius to his right. Snape sat farther down the table while Draco sat next to his mother while she sat directly next to Lucius.

There were many faces she didn't recognize but before she could try and figure it out she heard a loud crack and Lucius had been hit with some curse.

"He is eligible enough, he gets it now." She tried not to let out a gasp as she watched Draco rise from his seat and look Voldemort in the eyes as he got the touch of death, the dark mark. He winced a little but eventually he had the mark on him and there was no turning back.

"Now that that is over, we shall discuss plans. I will be giving the task of killing Hogwarts headmaster to none other than Draco Malfoy." Some cheered and some sat silent as Draco felt everything in him go cold. 

"We also need a way into Hogwarts, Draco you will continue to fix the cupboard and we will enter there the night you are assigned to kill Dumbledore. That will be 2 weeks from now," He nodded and stood up before walking up the stairs to start researching.

That's when he saw Eliza standing infront of him. She wasn't supposed to be there. Now he had to make sure she wasn't caught.

"What in the bloody hell are you doing Potter?" He pulled her into his room and closed the door. 

"You have the mark," It wasn't really a question but more of a way to confirm what she saw and heard. He sighed and just sat on his bed.

"You don't know anything Eliza," Eliza. He hasn't said that, atleast she didn't remember him ever calling her that. 

"Draco you're seventeen, don't get yourself wrapped in this," He looked at her, this time with pleading eyes. Eyes screaming for help, but those words would never leave his mouth.

"I can't control anything," he looked at her with the most stone face but eyes speak millions of words the mouth never can. 

"You're just a kid Draco," He knew that and so did she. They both did. That doesn't mean any of this was controlled. The odds were not and never were in his favor.

"I don't know what you want me to do, I either kill Dumbledore or I get killed, Eliza I don't know what I control anymore," He looked tired and worn out. 

"I'll help you." His head shot up and so did his body, he walked over to her.

"No, You can't Eliza you will be killed," She didn't care. He was her friend and he was also the boy with no choice. She was the girl who had a chance to help him and she would do whatever it took to do so. 

"I don't care, as long as I know you're safe," He shook his head. He wouldn't let her do that. 

"Draco you may think that I just do this for fun but no, I have feelings for you that aren't friendly. That's why i'm so keen on helping you," He looked at her and sighed. Is this what love is? Eliza had always wondered what it meant to love someone and she finally knew.

"You are willing to put everything on the line? Your brother's trust, your beliefs? Everything?" 

"To be with you, yes." 

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