Chapter 11

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It's been a week. I haven't talked to anyone except Draco. 

Harry, Ron and Hermione have gone off to Hogwarts in search of the last horcrux. I wanted to go to Hogwarts and help but what Harry and Ron had said hurt. I knew I would need to help though. 

We apparated into the slytherin common room. We saw many slytherin's we didn't recognize but once I looked around I found Destiny. They shipped her back to Hogwarts after the deatheaters started living in the Manor.

"Des," I ran to her before there was an announcement made for all houses to report to the great hall. They stood in a military-like stance. They started walking and we stood on both sides of Destiny. Draco and I were not gonna let her go alone. 

"If anyone sees Harry Potter or knows about his whereabouts we will need you to speak now," Snape had announced. Harry suddenly stepped out. Voldemort started speaking and telling Harry to go to the forest to meet him or for someone to turn him in. 

"What are you waiting for, someone grab him," Pansy had shouted. I stepped out of slytherin and walked towards him with Ginny and Hermione. Draco soon followed and so did Destiny. The aurors and a bunch of students stood around Harry.

"Filch please escort Miss. Parkinson and the rest of slytherin house to the dungeons," He started walking them out and people cheered for Harry and then everyone started preparing for what was coming. 

"I need to find Ravenclaw diadum," He left and ran off with Luna on his tale screaming for him. We walked out behind McGonagall and started setting up the barricade. Draco, Destiny and I all stood near eachother, Draco keeping ahold of my hand the whole time. 

Once the barriers were set we went to our positions and thats when Hermione came up to me. 

"Harry has gone to the forest," I quickly spun around to face her.

"What, alone?" She nodded her head and I started to run off before Draco stopped me. 

"He will be alright, he wouldn't have gone if he didn't trust himself," I looked at him and nodded. He was right, Harry didn't do anything unless he was sure he would be alright. Draco gave me a hug and a reassuring kiss before we turned around and saw the Death eaters piling in. 

We stood back to back and kept firing at them. We made sure Destiny was safe as well. She never left our side as all that came out of our mouths was 'Avada Kadevra' or 'crucio'. These curses hurt me to say. Dark magic was never my thing. 

Suddenly a spell came flying at me without realizing and I fell to the floor. It was a cruciatus curse. The pain went all over my body and then Draco was above me helping me up after the spell wore off. 

Destiny was more skilled than we thought so we didn't watch her every move. After a while the death eaters retreated and we all sat in the great hall. I sat next to Draco with my head on his shoulder. I was exhausted and then people started leaving.

We walked out with our wands drawn in fear of more death eaters. We saw Voldemort and Draco's family along with a bunch of other death eaters standing at the front of the school. Hagrid was there as well with someone in his arms. 

"Harry Potter is dead," I felt my heart drop. 

"NO, NO!" Ginny screamed, she tried to run but her father wouldn't let her. 

"Foolish girl," he said and then continued, "Harry Potter is dead, from this day forth, you put your faith in me," I stood there. I couldn't breathe. I never got to say goodbye to him. He died thinking  I was mad at him. I felt like my knees were gonna give out but then Draco put his hand around my waist and held me.

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