Chapter 3

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The yule ball. 

Everyone was excited, girls were buying dresses, guys were trying to figure out who they were taking. I didn't understand the point in having a yule ball in the midst of the Triwizard tournament. 

"Has anyone asked you yet Eliza?" I turned around and saw Pansy and Destiny walking towards me to sit down. Destiny had her hair pulled back for the first time since I met her.

"No sadly, I really wish a certain someone would," Pansy gasped and moved right infront of me.

"omg girl who?" I laughed and shook my head before making a motion as if locking my mouth.

"Nope, not happening," Destiny sighed and started to ramble about how she wants Blaise to ask her, its known throughout the girls in the group that she has a very obvious crush on him.

"Let's go dress shopping this Friday in hogsmeade," Destiny suggested, I nodded because I had nothing better to do.


Walking down the snowy path we were all giggling and smiling while making jokes. We made the boys come with us and Pansy's girlfriend as well. Destiny and Blaise were having, what seemed to be, an extremely interesting conversation. Lola, a 5th year Ravenclaw, Pansy's girlfriend was talking to Pansy and Astoria. 

Draco and I were the only ones not in an actual conversation, we would be put in occasionaly and then we would just keep walking. The path was quite slippery as Destiny has slipped and so has Blaise. 

Continuing walking I wasnt paying attention to anywhere i was walking and a bunch of first years went running by with Ron Weasley chasing them with something and he ran straight into me but kept going while I slipped and fell. 

"Are you okay El?" I looked up to see a hand reaching out to me, Draco. He looked at me and I swore I saw a slight smile before reaching for his hand. I smiled at him and stood up with his help.

"Yes, thank you," I started to wipe the snow off as I realized my ankle started to hurt. I tried walking and only made it a few feet before I realized i couldn't walk. 

"Guys i dont know if I can go, I cant walk. It'll take everything in me to get to he hospital wing by myself," Destiny sighed before looking at Draco and Pansy.

"You're going," I turned around and saw Draco looking right at me.

"I know how excited you were to come along, enough for you and Destiny to drag me out of the library," I sighed and looked at him.

"Draco I cant walk," before I knew it he got down to his knees and motioned to his back,

"Then I'll carry you, get on" I refused multiple times before Blaise just put me on Draco's back.

We kept walking and I noticed Draco got his robes dirty because he got on the ground.

"I'm sorry about your robes, I'll clean them for you," He let out a slight laugh.

"It's okay, though they were expensive it's nothing a little magic won't fix," I laughed and held on tight so I wouldnt fall off. I felt warm holding onto him, although his hands were cold.

It was comfortable being on his back. I never knew I could feel this safe and happy near him. As we kept walking I saw Harry and Hermione and of course Ron was also there. However Harry looked anything but happy to see me on Draco's back.

"What are you doing Malfoy," I sighed and waited. 

"Your sister sprained her ankle on the way down here because of redhead next to you, so i'm carrying her," He replied surprisingly calm.

"Why is she still going and not on her way to the hospital wing?" 

"Because I asked him to still take me," I said, Harry hasn't been the nicest person to anyone recently and I wasnt about to be the reason him and Draco got into another argument.

"Weasley didn't even apologize Harry," I continued before getting off Draco's back, he still held onto me by my waist so I didn't fall which I appreciated.

"Get off her Malfoy." Harry spit as if the name 'Malfoy' was poison in his mouth he wanted out. 

"Yea just ignore what I said why don't you Harry, Draco isn't the problem here, Weasley didn't even apologize." He scoffed as if what I said was wrong,

"yea well your the one hanging out with a bunch of Slytherin blood supremacists," I was taken aback as I stood there, Having no clue what to say to that.

"I'm a Slytherin Harry," He just shrugged before walking off, I had never seen Harry like that in my life. 

"let's go, I want my dress still," Everyone just stood there as Draco picked me back up and started walking.


"What about this one," Pansy suggested, it was a dark purple with rhinestone around the breast area and no sleeves.

"you look good in that one Pans," Destiny said to which I nodded. The boys were sitting near us and just watching everytime we came out with a new dress on.

"Liza come here, I want you to try this one on, you would look good plus I think someone may like it," I looked at her confused before going to put it on. 

I looked in the mirror and I had fallen in love with the dress, it was a dark green and had black at the top to where it faded into a very dark green. It came with black gloves and went all the way down to just barely cover my feet.

I walked out and Pansy gasped while Blaise and Destiny clapped. I did a spin watching my ankle as I did so. 

"Omg Liza, you look beautiful," I smiled and pushed my dark brown hair off my shoulder onto my back. I looked at everyone trying to see what they had thought. 

"I say you get that one," I heard Blaise suggest in which Destiny and Pansy agreed. I looked over to see Draco since he hadn't said anything yet. He was looking at me but I couldn't tell his emotion or thought, he had a slight smile on his face and his eyes were staring into mine before looking me up and down.

"I think someone likes it," Destiny said, right then is when I knew that she had noticed my liking towards Draco.

"I'm getting this one." 

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