Chapter 5

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My summer was spent between Pansy's house and the Weasley's as I wanted to see Harry. 

Molly had told me to gladly stay but I didn't really like anyone there so I decided it would be best if I stayed with Pansy. 

However summer was ending in 2 days as we had to return to Hogwarts. After last year's events people haven't been the nicest of people to Harry. The only reason I haven't gotten much backlash is because i'm friends with Slytherin's. 

I felt bad for him though. No one believed him but me and a few others.


Once we got off the train we went straight to the sorting ceremony. Being in my 6th year is quite sad but fun at the same time. 

I had noticed Draco was way more quiet this school year than last. According to everyone he didn't hangout with anyone this summer break. Which wasn't like him at all. Destiny seemed off as well but not as much as he did. 

"Hey Des, did something happen this summer?" I had asked. She shook her head no. 

"Mother and Father just mainly had quite a few meetings with Draco and I but that was it," I nodded and continued to eat. 


My first period of the day was advanced potions, my only subject I'm quite good at. I shared this class with Pansy and Draco. He again, didn't say much. He kept to himself and worked on all his potions without talking to anyone. 

"Is it just me or has Draco been off?" Pansy shook her head

"I noticed that as well. It's odd," I nodded and then class was soon over as Harry got the liquid luck and no one was very happy besides him and Ron. 


I decided to join Harry and his friends to go have butterbeer because it is the best thing plus Harry was paying. However he was acting quite weird as he kept watching over Draco. However we did spot Ginny having quite the kiss while sitting there.

We decided it was best to leave because the snow was getting quite heavy. As we walked we heard and chilling scream and found Katie lying in the snow.

Soon enough she was in the air, floating and then she fell. Soon after Hagrid grabbed her and left for Madame Pomfrey. It was all too fast to collect much off of. I choose not to think much of it. 

Sitting in the dorm that night I kept thinking of her screaming. It haunted me. Sleeping had been a problem for me for awhile now, so most nights I went to the library, tonight was no different.

Making sure Filtch wasn't around I made my way to the library. I went to the back, a specific spot that no one ever went into because it had all the books that weren't of any interest to anyone. It was mainly books on how to fix stuff like shelves and cabinets. 

I heard the sound of footsteps and I thought I was busted. So I just waited to accept my fate. However I didn't expect to see someone else standing infront of me. 

"Am I in your spot?" I asked, He shook his head. 

"No, I'll leave," He looked scared but calm.

"Draco," he turned back around and looked at me. Looking in his eyes again reminded me of why I fell for him. I never got over him. 

"Sit with me, We havent talked in a while," 

"I have things to do Potter," Potter. How I hated when he called me that. It reminded me of the hatred he had for me because of Harry. Sometimes I even hated my own last name.

"Please just sit will you?" He just sighed and sat. 

"Why would you want me to sit if you hate me?" I looked at him, he was waiting for an answer that I didn't have. I didn't hate him, I was just hurt last year. 

"I don't hate you, I was just hurt that I was a bet," He scoffed before looking at me in the eyes. He leaned forwards and made my breathing stop for a second before he backed away. 

"I regret doing that bet everyday you know," I looked at him confused and he seemed to notice the confusion on my face.

"I did actually like you, but my father wanted me to be with anyone else but a Potter," I nodded.

"He told Crabbe, Goyle and I to make a bet, I lost it. He bet that I wouldn't be able to obey him, I did though after you left," I looked at him even closer. He was telling the truth, he plays with his rings when he lies and he was just sitting there this time.

"What's been up with you recently?" He looked at me.

"Nothing, just been busy that's all," I nodded before he stood up.

"I have to leave but just know, I would do anything to start all over again with you El."

I didn't even have to think twice to agreeing.

"Let's start over then, I'm Eliza Potter, Who are you?" He laughed slightly before answering. 

"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy," I smiled and for the first time I slept happily that night.

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