Chapter 6

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"Potter, What's your favorite color?" I smiled before answering.

"Blue is my favorite color," He nodded as if he was making sure to remember that.

"May I ask why?" 

"It reminds me of the ocean, the ocean is calm and beautiful," He smiled for the first time in awhile.

Ever since that night Draco and I have been hanging out more, though sometimes he seemed a little distracted. Like something was always on his mind or bothering him. 


It was the night of Slughorn's party and Harry had invited me as his plus one, which was honestly quite exciting. Harry would disappear sometimes but would always be back before I noticed too long. 

"Professor Slughorn sir, I just found this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor, he claims to be invited to your party," Everyone at that moment was staring at Draco. 

"I invited him," I said without thinking. It made no sense for me to say that since Harry invited me and I'm not a part of Slughorn's amazing group of students. 

"Very well then, Let the boy go he belongs here," Draco walked over to me and stood right next to me and Harry looked confused. 

"What are you doing Potter?" He was acting as if me saving him atleast a month's worth of detention was bad.

"Helping you," He looked at me before walking away to Blaise. God did I have some explaining tonight with Harry.


After christmas break Harry was still hooked on the necklace thing from months earlier, so he would drag me along to ask her questions. Today however he followed Draco.

"Harry there is no point in you doing this, he has done nothing,"

"Liz shush we are following," Honestly I can't stand him sometimes.

We followed him into a boys bathroom and waited, thats when Draco started to break down, clearly having not seen us yet I just stood there. Thats when Harry started to walk towards him. 

"Malfoy, You hexed her didn't you?" That was all before spells were being fired and I hid outside the bathroom trying to not get hit. 

"Sectumsempra,"  Silence. that's all that was heard before I seen Draco's body. i ran straight to him trying to stop the bleeding. 

"Oh no, come on Draco," Harry walked towards me and just stood there.

"Harry what did you do?" Soon enough snape walked in and started to help him before we took him to the hospital wing. I stared at Harry with tears in my eyes. He looked regretful but this is one of the mistakes that wouldn't be fixed.

He woke up soon but was injured. 

"He will have significant scarring across his body and slight pain for a few days but he will be alright," She started walking away and I turned back around to see Draco stirring around, clearly waking up. 

"Malfoy stop moving so much," He shot a glare at me in return but did stop moving so much. 

"Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be comforting your precious brother, telling him everything is fine?" I looked at him and realized that maybe us getting along was actually a dream.

"No I won't, I care for you and i'm here because you almost died," 

He let out a low laugh and just looked at me.

"Care? That's a new one, you don't care Potter, you just feel pity on me, which I do not need thank you," I let out a frustrated sigh, not completely understanding his problem. 

"I do care Draco, I will do anything to prove that to you," He looked slightly shocked and just rolled his eyes before putting his face back on and ignoring me. 

He could act like the most cold person on this earth but I could tell that he wasn't showing his true self. I would do anything to get him to trust me. Even if that means slightly destroying Harry and I's relationship. 

"Ive heard that plenty of times before, so please Potter, save your time," This time he sounded more pleading, of course his guard was still up but he was letting a slight vulnerbility to show. 

"Never," He looked at me and raised his eyebrow as he turned to face me more.

"Never have I wanted to care for someone as much as I do you, so Malfoy let me warn you that you cannot get rid of me that easily," with that I sat down on the chair next to his bed to prove I was serious and he clearly realized the hole he dug for himself. 


"I don't like this idea Liz," 

"I didn't like the idea of  D.A. last year either but you still insisted, and still got caught," He opened his mouth to continue but realized I was right. 

"Harry I will be fine, it's just Malfoy, nothing harmful," I had told Draco that I would visit him at the manor during christmas break because he had no one else as far I was aware. Plus I wanted to visit Destiny as well.

"Des will be there too, no need to worry," He just nodded and I was happy he finally accepted it. He wanted me to join him at the Weasleys for christmas but I chose not to because I dont exactly like Ron.

Walking into the manor with Destiny and Malfoy was odd. I knew that his parents did not like me. I'm a Potter, of course they wouldn't. I thought they were aware of me coming home with Destiny and Draco but their reactions were clearly stating something completely different. 

"What is she doing here?" 

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