Chapter 15

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Eliza Malfoy has been gone for three days. After the problem at the wedding she was hit by a spell and they took her. Despite Draco Malfoy's desperate pleas to the aurors they wouldn't go looking for her. They had told Draco that since she was a death eater that there was no need to look for her. 

Draco almost let all hell raise loose in the ministry but Harry Potter stopped him. 

"You're a head auror Potter, you can't look for your own sister?" He looked at Draco sadly,

"I'm sorry, the Minister was the one who said no, so I can't," 

"You never gave a damn about the minister before and now you do?" Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes. Deep down Harry knew he was right. However he couldn't risk his job. 

Draco stormed off and went to Blaise and Luna's house. He knocked on the door as hard as he could,

"What the bloody hell man, the baby is asleep," Draco stormed past Blaise. He looked everywhere and then eventually sat on the couch. 

"I don't know where they would have taken her, all our houses were demolished after the war, and the Magical Authorities checked who enters the Manor everyday," Blaise sighed and sat down. 

"What do you need help with?" Draco sat forward, 

"I need help finding her, this may take changing back into our old selves," Blaise eyes widened. 

"I never did anything death eater related, my parents moved me to the states during that time," Draco shook his head.

"I know that but I just need our teen minds back," Blaise nodded his head and they started brainstorming. 

"What about Hogwarts?" Luna had walked in with the baby and entered too quietly. 

"Why would they go there?" Draco looked confused,

"I don't know, I'm just thinking, but that's where everything began isn't it?" Draco started to think, she was right. 

"They took Eliza but not Harry? This isn't because she is a Potter, this is personal," Blaise looked at her and started to think. 

"Your father wasn't happy with your choice of girlfriend right?" Draco nodded his head slightly confused,

"You guys met at Hogwarts and you said she has nightmares of the war correct?" 

"Yes but what does this have to do with us?" Draco replied.

"He is trying to torture her without being sent back to Azkaban for the dementors kiss," Draco looked as though a lightbulb went off in his head, 

"No one will be there since its summer, therefore he doesn't have to worry about being caught," Draco stood up and headed for the door before Blaise stopped him. 

"You need a plan and people," He stopped and looked at him. He was right but he didn't wanna wait another second. 

"Let me get Theo, Destiny and Mattheo," Draco nodded and waited for him to owl them. 

Nearly an hour later Destiny and Theo were at the door and not far behind was Mattheo. 

"We will get her Draco," He nodded and sat down. 

"Didn't think the Reepers would have a meeting so soon," Luna had walked in that time and looked confused,

"The Reepers?" Blaise turned around quickly before knowing he would have to explain it.

"We hunt Death Eaters, how do you think they are found so quickly? Not the Ministry," She nodded and kissed Blaise on the cheek.

"Okay thanks, I need to go feed Azara," He nodded and kissed her back before they continued this meeting. 


She was laying on the stone cold floor. This reminded her of the Malfoy Manor. She was still in her wedding dress and she was all dirty. She looked around and didn't notice the place. Her wand was gone. 

There was a deep laughter coming her way and she back up against the wall as far as she could.

"Hello Miss Potter," I looked up and it was Lucius.

"Did you really think i'd let a filthy blood traitor like you ruin my family name?" He stepped closer,

"The name I created?" and closer,

"The son I raised to be just like me," 

"He is nothing like you, he isn't filthy," Lucius let out a low laugh. 

"Oh but he is, who do you think put you in the dungeons at the manor?" He stepped closer again, this time only a few feet left between them. 

"He didn't have a choice,"

"Yes he did, we told him he didn't have to, but he did," She looked at him, she knew he was trying to break her down. 

"He was trying to survive the hell you caused him," He closed the gap between us and grabbed my face tightly. He held his wand up to her throat.

"I will not tolerate this amount of disrespect," She spit in his face and he slapped her. She fell over but sat back up as if it didn't affect her at all. 

"You think I won't be found?" He turned back around and looked at her surprisingly.

"No, I don't, do you have hope?" She looked at him before standing up.

"I am a Potter, I am also a Malfoy now. I'm the beloved Harry Potter's sister, I will be found" He shook his head,

"You are a Potter, not the Potter, no one cares about Harry Potter's lousy sibling," He laughed.

"She is also the Malfoy heir and she was found Lucius," Eliza turned and saw Draco with Blaise, Destiny, Theo, Mattheo, Ginny and Harry. Their wands were drawn and they stood waiting. 

"You think I don't have backup?" Lucius had yelled. 

"No because we already disarmed them," Harry spoke,

"Draco you are choosing a girl over family?" He stepped forward and Draco raised his wand higher. 

"No, I'm choosing my wife over you," Lucius stepped back towards Eliza and grabbed her before his wand to her throat again. They knew he would kill her if he really wanted to. 

"Maybe I should kill her and your unborn child?" Lucius said as he trailed his wand all around her body. 

"then you would be left with nothing," Draco stepped closer as did Harry and Destiny. 

"Destiny come join your father dear," She stared at him and moved closer to Draco.

"Avada kad-" 

"Stupify!" Lucius dropped to the ground and Eliza ran towards Draco. He took her in his arms as Harry arrested Lucius. He kissed her cheek and started walking her out. 

"I am so glad I decided to carry you that day you hurt your ankle" Eliza laughed at that as they left the building. 

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