Chapter 16

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September 2, 2004

The day we found out we were pregnant. Draco was ecstatic. He would finally get to live his dream of being a father. He got to work with the nursery barely a week later. The walls were a light yellow just because we had no clue of the gender.

January 14, 2005

The gender reveal party. Harry and Ginny helped set up, and we were all thrilled. My bump was growing bigger and bigger, anyday I could just pop. The balloon popped and two colors came out. I looked at Draco who looked as confused as the rest of the party. 

"They messed it up?" He said sadly,

"No, we are having twins, a boy and girl," He dropped his jaw in shock and picked me up before spinning me around. 

June 3, 2005

They were here. Scorpius Draco Malfoy and Scarlett Lily Malfoy. Scorpius was named after his father, and Scarlett was named after my mother. Draco held both of them as close as possible. He was 'the proudest father to the most beautiful twins' he would say. 

Bringing them home only a few days later was amazing. They were angels. Scorpius had my eyes and Draco's hair by the looks of it. Scarlett however had Draco's eyes and my hair. She looked alot like me according to everyone. 

We let Narcissa meet them and she couldn't be more proud. We split the nursery, one side we repainted blue, the other was repainted purple. 

June 3, 2016

Their first day of Hogwarts. We were so excited that they would be enjoying school like we used to. Scorpius was more of a mommy's boy and Scarlett was a daddy's girl. We turned out to be wrong, Scarlett may look like me but she acts exactly like her father. 

Scorpius is a sweet and gentle person. He is just like his mother. I was the most proud parent in the world. Draco and I raised two amazing kids. We couldn't ask for better. 

The days without the kids there were spent on me and Draco just enjoying life together. He was on the Wizard's police force and I was a healer at St. Mungo's. 

December 15, 2017

The twins had come back home for christmas break. I was sick but held up. They both got amazing gifts and Draco bought me a beautiful necklace with a silver M on it. He told me it represents my love and effort for this family. 

One of the many affections of Draco Malfoy was gift giving. 

That would be the last of Eliza Malfoy-Potter's diary entries.

She suddenly died on January 12, 2018. The cause of death seemed to be a curse but there were no signs of forced entry into the house. Draco Malfoy and her children, Scorpius Draco Malfoy and Scarlett Lily Malfoy, are not suspects as all of their alibi check out. 

The family wishes for her funeral to be close friends and family only. The twins have nothing to say besides their mother was a wonderful mother and person. Draco Malfoy wont speak on the matter.  

Harry Potter has spoken with us, he says "My sister was a wonderful person and obviously we are all hurt, i'll find the person that did this," He then pushed cameras out of the way and walked off with his wife, Ginevra Weasley.

Though Eliza was loved by many, others believe this was deserved as she didn't fight in the battle. 

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"What is this garbage?" Draco yelled as he threw the paper down.

"Don't worry about it father, we know who our mother was and thats all that matters," Scarlett had said to Draco. 

"You're right, but we should always speak well of your mother," The twins nodded. Their Aunt Destiny had come over to stay with them and Draco so he wouldn't lose it and do something stupid. Everyone knew he would but they trusted him. Eliza proved to everyone they could trust him and that is something he would be forever thankful for.

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