Chapter 13

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It has been two days since Draco was brought home. We have had many people come visit. We decided however today was our day. We haven't been alone in forever and we just wanted to relax.

We were standing in the kitchen making lunch when he suddenly pulled me from behind and started kissing my neck. 

"God I missed this," I said and he chuckled.

"Missed what exactly," 

"Us," He turned me around and planted a very soft but meaningful kiss on my lips. Once we had pulled apart I could still feel the love lingering from that kiss on my lips.  He turned the stove off and left the room. I followed him out of curiosity.

We went in the bedroom and he laid down and then patted his chest. I walked over and laid on top of him and just listened to his heartbeat. I was in this same spot 2 weeks ago crying and wondering if I would ever feel the warmth or hear the heartbeat of him ever again. 

"We are going to Ron and Hermione's wedding today right?" I nodded my head and he hummed in response. After a little bit I fell asleep against his chest. 

When I woke up Draco was nowhere to be found. I searched the house and couldn't find him. I then heard knocking on the door and opened it and saw Ginny and Harry. I let them in and then just calmed down a bit realizing he probably had a checkup I wasn't aware of.

"Where's Draco?" Ginny asked and i shrugged my shoulders. 

"No clue, I fell asleep with him in the bedroom after we-" 

"Harry started to fake gag, "Ew no stop," 

"After we made lunch, I woke up and he wasn't here," She nodded and then drank some of her tea. I headed upstairs and sat on the bed. Harry came in soon after and sat next to me. 

"Sometimes I feel like im just making him up, like he never actually existed," He nodded and replied,

"I feel that way sometimes as well, he will be fine and return soon Liz," I looked up at the ceiling and hummed in response. 

"I hope," 

We walked back downstairs and Ginny had said her water broke. Sure enough we looked in the living room and it did. My first Nephew would be here. We quickly grabbed their things and I went to the hospital with Ginny while Harry aparated back home to get their stuff. 

Two hours later and James Sirius Potter was born. Sadly Ginny and Harry would be missing Hermione and Ron's wedding. I bid goodbye after meeting the baby and headed home. I walked through the door and saw the bedroom light was on and went up there.

Draco was sitting on the bed. 

"I went and visited my mother," I nodded and started to get dressed. I wore a long purple dress with white boots. 

"Ginny had the baby about an hour ago," He stood up and looked surprised. 

"What's his name?" 

"James Sirius Potter," He let out a light laugh and then hugged me. 

"We need to have a baby you know?" 

"Draco we aren't even engaged," He laughed and then pulled something out his pocket and got on one knee,

"Eliza Luna Potter, would you do the honor of becoming Mrs. Malfoy and marry me?" I jumped in his arms and screamed yes. He spun me around and kissed me long and passionately. I was soon gonna be a Malfoy. My parents are probably yelling in the afterlife right now. 

Draco went and got dressed and we left for the wedding. Once we arrived I decided to not tell anyone we were engaged and ruin Hermione's big and special moment. When we arrived I saw many different faces I never expected too. 

There were more slytherins there than I thought there would be. Luna and Blaise were there and I noticed that she had a bump showing very slightly and I smiled. Harry had shown up for a little while to tell Ron that Ginny had the baby and wouldn't be able to make it. 

Which meant Ron needed a new best man and he told Draco he would like for him to do it. I watched as Hermione walked down the aisle and she looked as beautiful as ever. Her dress was extremely long and had lace straps. The wedding was outdoors and had a carpet for her to walk on so her dress wouldn't be ruined. 

She smiled at me as she walked and once the vows were said they kissed. it was a magical moment that I'm not sure any of us here thought would happen. Draco looked happy to be a part of the wedding. He finally had friends that weren't all bullies. 

After the wedding we were standing around and talking to people. 

"Eliza let me see your hand," I showed her my hand and she swatted it and made me give her my other hand. 

"He proposed?" I smiled and nodded my head and Hermione hugged me and started laughing. 

"Ginny had her baby, You got engaged and I got married, life sure is something," I nodded my head and started looking around fr Draco when I saw him sitting alone I excused myself.

"Hi darling," he said once he saw me,

"Hello, what are you doing?" 

"Watching people," I looked at him confused and sat next to him. 

"Thats not creepy at all," He let out a soft laugh and shook his head. He pulled me closer to him. 

"You know on days like this," he looked around, 

"I remember back to my first year at hogwarts," I smiled


"Because i never thought i'd be friends with your brother and his friends," I nodded my head. 

"I also never thought I would have to go through half the stuff I did," I nodded my head at that too. He was right. i thought about it sometimes as well. 

"Watching my friend die, and my school crash and you get tortured, I think my light almost died inside of me," I looked at him and just looked into his eyes.

"I'm so glad that you are still here Draco," He nodded and then let out a soft laugh.

"Sixth year I almost wasn't you know?" 

"What do you mean?"

"I was on the Astronemy tower and looking over the edge wondering if all this pain was worth it," I looked at him and he slighly had tears pricking his eyes.

"Was it?" 

"For you, yes. It was all worth it."

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