Chapter 4

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It was the night of the ball.

We were all in Pansy's and I dorm room getting ready. I was on hair duty and Destiny was makeup. 

"How do you want it done?" I asked Pansy as she looked in  the mirror. 

"Straightened," I nodded and got to that.

"So has Draco asked you out yet," I shook my head to Destiny's question. Everyone at this point had known of my liking towards him. Everyone but him of course. 

"It can never happen though, Harry and Draco hate eachother and it would be like choosing my name or a friendship," Destiny and Pansy both sighed. 

"Harry can suck it up, He will understand as long as you're happy." I guess she had a point but I just blew it off.

"So you and Blaise?" She giggled before nodding.

"He asked me to the ball," Pansy gasped and whipped her head around almost causing me to burn her. 

"And you didn't say anything?" She sounded very offended but in a playful way,

"No because it wasn't important," Then we all started laughing as they talked about their dates.


Pansy and Destiny had walked down to the entrance already and I was the last to go. I still had a slight limp but I could thankfully walk and dance just not too much. 

I started to walk down the stairs so I could meet everyone there and I heard them gasp as I continued walking. Destiny was cheering and Pansy was whistling while Lola clapped. 

After everyone did their compliments of eachother they started walking in. I stood there for a moment and Draco seemed to notice. 

"I may regret this later but, Potter would you be my date?" I let out a small gasp before nodding my head and he then wrapped his arm around my waist and I shivered slightly at the touch of his rings on my bare skin.

I didn't know what he meant about regretting it later until Harry saw us walk in together. That's when I knew what he meant. He looked extremely mad. However he ignored us and we went and sat down. 

The night had gone smoothly and then I noticed Draco had disappeared. I asked around but no one had seen him. That was until I spotted him outside the doors with Crabbe and Goyle.

"You guys owe me, I won the bet," I knew it was wrong to listen in but I was curious. 

"We didn't think you could actually get the Potter girl to think you liked her," I gasped slightly. 

"I would never like her, she isn't even special, she is just Harry's twin after all," Draco spoke

Was it a bet? Was I a bet? I felt my chest start to hurt. I thought he was genuienly interested in me. 

"I was a bet?" Draco turned around and started to say something before I interrupted him.

"Save it Malfoy, I dont care," I turned around and went to find the girls but noticed they were busy so I started to leave and began crying on my way. Harry had seen me and went running towards me. 

"Hey what happened?" I broke down in his arms as he hugged me.

"I was a bet Harry," it was as he knew exactly what I was talking about as he started walking me to his dorm room. He had me lay down on his bed before he told me he was gonna sleep on the common room couch and that I could sleep in his clothes.


The next morning I woke up with extremely puffy eyes and wore Harry's sweats and hoodie. 

I walked out and told Ron to tell Harry after his shower I had gone to breakfast. However I ran straight into Destiny and Pansy. They saw me and had asked what was wrong and why I was wearing Gryffindor clothes. 

I explained everything and Destiny was the maddest I had ever seen her. Then they just took me back to our dorms and had me sleep some because I didn't get much that night. Luckily there weren't classes today because it was the last task. 


"Be careful Harry, I mean it," He smiled and hugged me before he left. I walked back to my seat to sit with the girls and Blaise. Destiny and Blaise had made it official at the ball and now were dating, however neither of them were pleased with Draco so he sat with Crabbe and Goyle.

I still hadn't even talked to him. He attempted to but I refused. 

The contestants had been in the maze for a little over an hour. There were screams heard but luckily I knew Harry was okay. I could feel it. He's strong and i'm just glad he knows what he is doing. 

Suddenly there was a loud crack and Harry and Cedric Diggory were there. Everyone cheered but soon it got quiet as Harry was crying over Cedric's lifeless body. People were confused, some still cheering. The band is still playing. 

Dumbledore ran to Harry. Attempting to pull him off of Cedric. And asking him to explain what's wrong. 

"He's back, He's back, Voldemort is back," I stood still, frozen because I had never thought i'd hear those words again. 

"I couldn't leave him, not there," He continued to cry. I felt like I had just been hit. Harry had seen Voldemort. 

"That's my son, That's my boy," Cedric's father cried out. 

That night we all cried and slept in fear. 

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