Chapter 8

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The next two weeks were spent with me counting down the days to this awful task, while also gaining the Dark Lord's trust. I was introduced only two days after Draco got the mark. I soon got it and was now stuck in this. 

I was working for the same man who killed my parents. All for Draco. 

I heard a sob as Draco was working on the cabinet. I looked over and saw his arms on the cabinet with his head hung low. He was tiring himself out with this and it hurt to see.

"Draco," He lifted his head, seeming as if he forgot I was with him. He turned around and I noticed the dark circles under his eyes had gotten worse. 

"Come here," He stood up straight and walked to me. I took my arms around his neck and hugged him. He sunk into the head and hid his face in the crook of my neck. I rubbed reassuring circles on his back after he had relaxed I had him sit down.

"You need a break, let me do it," He shook his head almost immediately.

"No, I will do it, it's my job," 

"It's also your job to stay alive, you need sleep and food," He shook his head as if he was disagreeing with me.

"Draco you have done nothing except work on this stupid cabinet," 

"I've been watching my youth slip away," I looked at him in the eyes. There was a scared boy who needed the comfort he was never given. He was indeed watching his youth slip away, even if he had no choice.

"let's take a break, we will go lay down," He nodded and he stepped out of the room of requirements and walked to our dorms. We went to his and he changed out of his black suit. He instead put a pair of sweats on and when he turned around I saw all of his scars.

The one from Harry was most noticeable. It was three long lashes across his chest as if someone took a sword and swung at him three times. He noticed me looking at him and quickly walked to his bed. However before getting in he turned around as if realizing he forgot something.

I just stood there as he walked back to his dresser and pulled out a very large shirt. It was green and said slytherin and had 'Malfoy' written across the back with '07' under it. It was obvious it was a quidditch shirt. 

I slipped my clothes off and changed into the shirt. It hung down to my mid thigh. He finally laid down and then I joined him. He put his face in the crook of my neck and wrapped both of his arms around my waist as he got comfortable. 

I looked around his dorm and noticed all the curtains were dark green and his couch sitting infront oh his fireplace was grey. I felt him mumble something but when I went to ask he was asleep. I noticed he only sleeps when im with him. 

I'm most comfortable with him. However I can sleep alone i just get comfort in sleeping with someone I love. He slept soundly with the occasional mumbling. However he only slept for 3 hours before he left to work on the cabinet. 

By the time he came back it was 8am. I told him to sleep knowing today was the day of the task. I haven't talked to Harry since the day I left to Malfoy Manor and he had been owling to my dorm everyday. I couldn't be around him.

Knowing that i'm working with the dark lord while he is trying his hardest to survive. I have betrayed my brother and I will never come back from this. All of this was for Draco and lately thats the only thing that has kept me going. 

I was losing myself and my identity in the process of keeping Draco sane. I have come so far that I barely recognize myself. I knew that I couldn't let that happen to Draco so I did the one thing that I knew needed to be done.

I felt the slight burn as the polyjuice went down my throat.I slowly felt myself grow in height and my long hair was no longer there. I looked in the mirror and saw the reflection of Draco. I walked out of the bathroom and looked at Draco making sure he was still asleep. 

As I walked to the Astronemy tower I had to keep reminding myself of my reasoning for this. I saw Dumbledore and knew this is where it started. I crept up the stairs and made sure no one else was around.

I rose my wand to him and kept it raised as he spoke,

"Evening Draco," then he continued "What brings you here on this fine evening?"

"Who else is here," I had asked and he continued to say he tends to talk aloud to himself at times.

The sound of the door opening alerted both Dumbledore and I that the others had arrived. 

"How did they get here?" He had asked.

"A cabinet, i've been mending it," suddenly I felt myself getting smaller and my hair growing. Before I had realized what was happening I pulled my sleeve up, 

"I was chosen," then before I knew it I was me again. The polyjuice didn't last long enough for me to do the job but I was far too long to stop now. 

"Eliza?" I turned and saw Draco standing behind me and then the other death eaters entered the room. 

Suddenly Draco whipped out his wand and stood there. His face was paler than usual and he looked as if he would cry any second. 

"I have to do this, I have to kill you or he's gonna kill me," Dumbledore just looked down and I heard Bellatrix laughing as she walked in. 

"Do it Draco," she whispered in his ear. 

"I see you brought our newest recruit along as well, Hello Miss. Potter," I nodded my head at her and looked back at Dumbledore. Snape walked up slowly and that's when I knew that Draco wasn't gonna fulfill the duty but Snape was. 

"Avada Kadevra," was all he said, pain laced in his voice before we watched Dumbledore fall to his death. Suddenly we were all making our way down the stairs into the castle. Draco and I were right next to eachother. He was breathing heavily and then the sound of glass shattering echoed throughout the halls.

As we kept walking throughout the school grounds Bellatrix danced around as if she was the happiest person on earth. I had a hold of Draco's arm as we kept walking. As we were infront of Hagrid's hut we heard shouting and stopped.

"Snape! He trusted you!" It was none other than Harry. As he came running down he finally noticed me and stopped. His wand was drawn and he was frozen. The hurt was very visible all over his face. He had tears brimming his eyes and his mouth was slightly open. 

"Liz," I looked at him and just stepped back and looked anywhere but my brother's face. He was hurt and I was aware of that. I didn't mean to hurt anyone, especially not my only living relative.

Suddenly we all turned around as Bellatrix had lit Hagrid's hut on fire. 

"Run," was all Snape said. I didn't wanna leave, I had to explain to his that none of this was supposed to happen. I stood still but Draco grabbed me and kept pulling until I had decided to actually move. I heard Harry screaming and turned back in time to see Bellatrix shoot a spell at him. 

I watched him hit the ground and I tried pulling from Draco's grip. Both him and I knew if I went back i'd be killed. I couldn't hold it in and started crying.

"Harry no!" I screamed. I didn't know if he was injured or dead. 


"Eliza we have to go," I heard Draco say and suddenly we apparated out of there back to the manor. 

I collapsed on my knees once we arrived and started crying. I didn't want to be in this position, all of this for love. 

"I need to go back to Harry, he could be hurt, please Draco," I was begging at this point. I didn't care who saw I just needed my brother. Draco dropped to his knees and pulled me in. I sobbed into his jacket and didn't know what to do.

My brother, my light was left behind. I felt as though my soul was ripped from my chest. I couldn't breathe anymore. 

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