Chapter 2

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We're at the campsite now. Day before our birthday. Adora and I are gathering wood for our fire. I have my long brown hair pulled up in a bun. Adora doesn't have to worry about that, she has a pixie cut, dyed a beautiful bright orange. We both have blue eyes and are tall at 5'9". Being out in this heat and around all this nature really has my wolf Flora wanting to get out and run. Once we're sure there are no humans close by we'll all go out for a run. Right now though, I'm just enjoying the weather.

"Ok, I'm gonna make a bet that when we get home you find out that Mateo is your mate," Adora says with a huge smile.

Mateo is our alpha's son and our next alpha. He's great. He has short brown hair, brown eyes and the best smile and the best body. He's everyone's friend. I know he'll make a great alpha. I've had a crush on him since we were 13. He turned 18 2 weeks ago. We don't really date in our pack because we take mates very seriously and feel there is no need to be with someone who you already know isn't your mate. Even before we can feel the mate bond, we don't want to risk hurting our future mate with past relationships. But crushes are normal.

"I would love that and if that's what the moon goddess has planned, great. If not, I won't be hurt cause my mate will be 100 times better anyway," I say.

"But you hope it's Mateo."


After a fit of giggles, we're on our way back to the campsite. Mom has everything ready for a hotdog dinner and s'mores dessert. We give Dad the wood we collected and he starts making the fire. We spend the night talking and laughing and looking at the stars before going to our tents for the night.

The next morning, Adora and I wake to a yummy breakfast and presents. After spending some time with our parents I asked Adora if she wanted to go for a hike. As we were walking the trail we came across a girl walking our way. I could smell she was werewolf as well. She was really pretty with short baby blue hair, and a little shorter than Adora and I. Then she stopped walking and just stared at us. When I looked at Adora she had a sparkle in her eye. Then I realized, that girl wasn't looking at us but at Adora. Next thing I know Adora starts running to her and she is running to Adora. Well, damn, Adora found her mate. They meet and hug and put their noses in each others necks smelling. Our mates have the best smell to us and can also calm us. They talk for a second, something I couldn't hear then kiss. I was turning around to go back to camp to give them privacy when Adora calls to me. They walk up to me, all smiles.

"Aurora, this my mate Kat. Kat, this is my twin sister Aurora."

"It's so nice to meet you. I can't tell you how excited I am that Adora found her mate."

"Not something I was expecting on a family trip," Kat said. "But goddess, I'm so happy it happened. I turned 18 a month ago. I knew no one in my small pack was my mate and figured it would take while to find them. This is the best thing to happen to me."

"Me too Babe," Adora says as she squeezes her hand.

"We'll, I'll go tell mom and dad what happened and let y'all two go have some privacy to you know, whatever you feel," I wink at my sister and see her blush. I'm so happy for her.

"Thanks Rora, I'll bring Kat to the site soon to meet Mom and Dad."

"Have fun."

When I return to the site Mom and Dad are confused to see me without my other half. I tell them what happened and they're ecstatic. We sit and talk and enjoy nature while we wait for Adora. Most of the time, right when you meet your mate you want to mark them and mate them as soon as possible. Sometimes some wait a few weeks but the mate pull is so strong that that doesn't happen often. So when Adora returned with Kat and they both had half moon marks on their shoulders, I wasn't surprised. When we mark our mate, we bite them on the shoulder, usually at climax of our mating, and a tattoo like mark shows up. The mark is usually the mark of the higher ranking wolf if the mates are from different packs. I'm not gonna lie, I'm relieved to see our pack mark on them. That means Kat will come back to our pack with us and my sister doesn't have to move. They'll move into the pack house until a house becomes available. It shouldn't take long.

"Mom, Dad, this is Kat. Kat, my parents, Anthony and Judith."

"Welcome to the family beautiful," my mom says with tears in her eyes. I know she is so happy for Adora but is also relieved to see our mark.

"Well, I guess I have 3 daughters now. And couldn't be happier," Dad said.

"Thank you. I'm happy to a part of your wonderful family. Adora has told all about you."

"One down, one to go Rora," Adora says to me with a smirk.

"It'll happen when the goddess wants. Who knows, he might be at Aunt Mary and Uncle Don's pack," I say.

"Or he might be Mateo," she says.

"We'll see."

The next day we pack up and head home with one extra person to add to the pack.

When we get home we all shower and change into something that isn't dusty. I slip on my favorite purple sundress and ballet flats. Fix my hair down with some light waves and put on just a touch of makeup. Adora and Kat are going to the pack house to talk with Alpha Robert. I walk out with them and help show Kat around the pack. We have a small shop, diner, movie theater, and grocery store on our land so we don't have to go around humans if we don't want to. And of course our school and medical clinic, the training grounds and large hall where we hold all special events and meetings. As we get to the pack house I see Mateo's truck pulling in. He must have had to go to town. We don't really have to drive within the pack ground.

"Go say hey. Let's find out if he's your mate or not."

"Yeah, might as well find out now right?" I say.

With a little push from Adora I'm off toward Mateo. As he gets out of his truck he is talking to himself. He doesn't sound happy. Then he slams his truck door. Yeah, not happy. Maybe I should wait. But before I turn around we lock eyes. MATE! Flora yells in my head. Oh. My. Goddess. Mateo IS my mate. I smile and walk to him but before I can say anything he puts his hand up to stop me.

"I, Mateo Avans, reject you, Aurora Cellar."

I'm stunned. So I turn around and run home. Crying the whole way. What the hell did I do wrong? Why would he reject me? We were friends. I thought he liked me. This should be the happiest day of my life but instead I'm breaking apart inside. I have never felt pain like I'm feeling right now. Thank the goddess I'm leaving for my aunt and uncle's pack in the morning. I can't leave fast enough.

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