Chapter 8

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Aurora's POV

It's been two weeks since Mateo was hurt. Two weeks of torture. Everything in the pack is fine. We haven't had any other rogue attacks. Everything is calm. But Mateo has yet to wake up. He is also healing so slowly since Whiskey is gone. Goddess I hope he comes back soon. I just finished helping a little girl with with a bad cut. She wanted to use regular scissors instead of her kid safe ones. It did not go well for her. Lesson learned. Now she is skipping beside her mom on her way out of the clinic. Only patient now is Mateo. I go to my desk to put in some notes and then head to Mateo's room. He looks the same. Just laying there. I sit beside him and hold his hand.

"Hey Mat. Everything is good in the pack. But we all miss our alpha. Please wake up."

'Aurora! I'm starting to feel Whiskey. He's there! He's asleep but he's there.'

"Oh thank goddess!"

I mind link mom to come here. As soon as she walks in I tell her Whiskey is back.

"That's great! Even with him resting Mateo will heal faster now. Hopefully he'll wake soon."

After checking his vitals she leaves. I stay a little while longer. I tell Mateo about what's been happening and how much I want him back. When night falls William comes to watch over Mateo. As I walk out I say bye to Dakota. She'll be William's nurse tonight. I go to sleep for the first time in two weeks with a little bit of hope.

Another week goes by. Mateo looks good. All his wounds have been able to heal completely thanks to Whiskey being back. He still hasn't woken up though. So here I am, sitting by his bed, holding his hand and talking with him about anything and nothing. Next thing I know his hand moves. I stand by him.

"Mateo? Mateo? If you can hear me squeeze my hand."

He squeezes my hand.

"Oh my goddess! Mat open your eyes for me. Can do that?"

Slowly he opens his eyes. And looks right me. The mate pull. It's back full force. What's happening?



"I knew you would be my mate."

'The bond is back! We have a second chance!'

'Hold your horses Flora.'

"Mateo? What year do you think it is?"

"2019. Why?"

"Mateo, it's 2023. We found out four years ago we were mates. You rejected me."

"No. No! There's no way. What the hell are you talking about?"

"Three weeks ago we had a rogue attack. You were thrown and hit a sharp rock on your head. It knocked you out cold. You've been in a coma till now. Whiskey was even missing till last week."

"I don't understand."

"I'll mind link your parents. Then I'll go talk with my mom about this. We'll figure it out. Ok?"


I mind link Robert and Lee and they're there in two minutes.

"He's awake?" Robert says.

"Yes. But he thinks it's four years ago."


"My mom and I are going to talk about it. Y'all go in and talk to him. Try to remind him of everything. Let's see what happens."

After my mom and I talk. We know what's up. Mateo has amnesia. Amnesia can take away memories from a few weeks to years. Or it can make it where you can't retain memories. The forget who you are stuff you see in movies is very rare. So Mateo has lost the last four years of his memory. And it seems, maybe since I didn't accept the rejection, that the mate bond is back full force and he doesn't remember the reason he rejected me. That part is confusing, but we'll just have to see. Now we have to go tell him about it.

We walk into his room and he smiles at me like I'm the only one he sees. This is what is was supposed to be like all those years ago.

"Hey Beautiful. Mom and Dad have been explaining the last four years to me. The only thing that doesn't make since is that I would have never rejected you. I've liked you since we were preteens. Please tell me you haven't found someone else?"

"I haven't. And we can talk about all that later. You have amnesia. Sometimes with a head injury and this happens it'll go back to before a time of grief or trouble."

"Well that had to be rejecting you. He changed that day for the worse. Became a jerk. All he did was work. Kept saying he didn't deserve to be alpha so he'd work his ass off, I guess to compensate for whatever reason he thought that. Said he didn't deserve you either. I don't know what happened that day to make him feel that way and reject you. He never talked about it," Robert says.

"That's dumb. I'm ready to be alpha and am ready for my mate and wanted it to be Aurora. This doesn't make sense."

"I guess you reverted back to before that day. Who knows what happened," I say.

"No one. He wouldn't talk to anybody. Not even Drew." Lee says.

"Will he get his memories back?" Robert ask.

"Most likely. Sometimes people don't. It's a waiting game," my mom says.

"I don't want them back if I rejected Aurora."

"Don't say that. You need your memories. We'll work it out," I say.

"I want to keep Mateo one more night. I'll keep watch. If everything checks out he can go home in the morning," Mom says.

"We'll go then. We'll come back in the morning to walk with you home," Robert says as he and Lee leave.

"I'll give you two a few minutes," Mom says then walks out.

I look at Mateo and go sit by him. He grabs my hand.

"Will you come home with me tomorrow? I need my mate with me. We can do the Luna ceremony on the next full moon."

"No Mateo. I won't be doing that. And we won't be mating or marking each other. You had a reason to reject me. It'll hurt but you should probably do it again."

"Fuck no! I'm not doing it. I want you."

"And when you get your memory back?"

Rejection after mating and marking is 100 times more painful. And the rejection has to be in-front of the pact on a full moon night for the mark to leave. It physically burns you as it leaves and leaves a scar behind. The first rejection was bad enough. I can NOT deal with a rejection after mating and marking. I just can't.

"I want you Aurora."

"I can't put myself through that. I'm sorry."

Then I get up and leave to Mateo calling after me. Flora is whining but doesn't say anything. She knows why I did it. Damn it all to hell.

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