Chapter 13

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Aurora's POV

It's been a month since I moved in with Mateo. It's been great. The way is should be. I still worry but I'm more confident that we can make it through anything. I don't go to the clinic as much. I'm more on call. I was officially made luna and have so many duties now. In an emergency I'll still go to the clinic and let Paula handle the under ground safe house. All in all it's great. I love being luna. I love my pack.

I'm fixing breakfast for us when Mateo walks in the kitchen.

"Hey Baby. That smells good."

"Omelet with cheese, bacon pieces, sausage pieces, three kinds of peppers and onions. And hash browns and home made biscuits."

"You know I'm yours no matter what but these meals sure do make it better."

He comes up behind me and kisses my mark. There is an extra tingle.

"Make some coffee and sit down."

I plate our food and we sit.

"Flora needs to run. Do you want to go out this afternoon or night?"

"Definitely. Whiskey could use a run too. I should be done with everything around 5:00."

"Sounds good. I don't have as many duties today so I thought I'd go by the clinic."

"Yeah. You should do... ahhhhhh!"

"Mat? What's wrong?"

Mat is holding his head and screaming in pain. Then he passed out. Oh goddess. I mind link Drew. It takes two minutes before he is there. I'm on the floor next to Mateo. I can't figure out what happened.

"Help me get him to the clinic."

"Yes Luna."

Drew picks him up and we run to the clinic.

"Mom, I'm on my way to the clinic. Something is wrong with Mat. Get CT ready."

"On it."

We get to the clinic and get Mat to CT. While my mom gets the results I get Mat comfortable and in a hospital gown. I check his vitals. Everything is ok.

'Flora, do you feel Whiskey?'

'Yes, he's still there. He's asleep.'

That's a good sign. Mom comes in.

"He has swelling in the brain. It's something from the accident. Why it's taken so long to show I don't know. He's probably been slowly swelling over time and finally reached his limit. I can do surgery and this won't happen again. No guarantee he won't go into a coma again but this is his only option. Is Whiskey still there?"

"He is. Do what you have to mom."

"I already linked William to assist me along with Jenna and Julie. He's going to be ok. Whiskey will help him heal quickly."

With that she left to set up the OR. I started prepping Mat's head. Shaving the area, after pulling up the CT and making sure I knew the exacts, and cleaning and sterilizing the area. Mom came in and her and William rolled Mat to surgery. Drew came in and sat with me. I'm so worried. Flora is pacing and whining. I feel like I'm gonna crawl out of my skin. Robert, Lee and Paula come in and sit with me as well. Next came Dad and Adora. I get up and hug them. I keep a hold on Adora. She helps calm me.

"He's going to be ok Rora. Mom is the best."

"That she is. No worries Precious. He will be ok."

By this point I'm crying. I can't talk so I just sit with my family and friends and wait. And wait. And wait. It's been three and half hours. Finally mom walks in. I jump up and run to her.

"Everything went perfect. He's great. He won't have any more issues. Now we just have to wait for him to wake up."

"Oh thank goddess." I burst into tears of happiness. Adora grabs me and holds me.

"I'll go let everyone know," Drew said. And him and Paula left.

I turned and hugged Lee. She's crying too.

"He's going to be ok Lee. Our son is going to be ok." Robert says.

We all settle back down and William wheels Mat back in the room. He looks so weak but still strong at the same time. Flora lets me know Whiskey is still there. He's going to be ok. Lee and Robert sit with him for a while then leave. Dad and Adora have already left. Now it's just me and my mate. I sit beside his bed and hold his hand. Here we are again. I tell him I love him and he's going to be ok and he needs to wake up for me. He'll heal soon. He'll wake up soon. Please goddess. Please.

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