Chapter 11

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Mateo's POV

It's been two months since Aurora and I started dating. It's been great. I just wish she would let me mate her. I want my mate fully. I want her here with me. Our pack needs their luna. I understand why she is so scared. But I love her. I'll never hurt her again. I still haven't gotten my memories back. I don't think that's going to matter now though. Not after all this time. I'm sitting at my desk working after being at training this morning when there is a knock on my door.

"Come in."

"Hey Man. How you feeling today?" It's my beta Drew.

"I feel great. The only thing wrong is lack of memory. Physically I'm the top alpha in the country," I buff out my chest and smile.

"The only reason I give you that is because I'm top beta and our pack is one of the strongest out there."

"And it's the truth."

"Conceited jackass."

We laugh at each other for a minute then he ask what he really wanted to know.

"How are things with Aurora? She gonna let you mark her soon?"

"Everything is great. She's still not ready though."

"How long before she decides to go for it? It could be a while to get your memory back. If you do."

"I'm asking her that tonight. I'm past ready to be with her. I get it. I do. But there is only so much a man can take. And Whiskey is getting very antsy. We need to mate her and soon."

"I get it. I mean, Paula and I mated the day we met. I don't know how you've lasted."

"A lot. Of. Cold. Showers."

He laughs at me for a while for that one. It doesn't take long before I join in.

"I tell you one thing. It's good to have the old Mat back."

"Yeah yeah. Now go do beta work and leave me to my work."

"Yes Sir, Alpha, Sir."

He salutes, bows and on his way out shoots me a bird. Laughing the whole time. Only he can get away with such bullshit. I need to finish my work. I want to get to my date with Aurora tonight.

Aurora's POV

I'm at home sitting with my mom. We're talking about how two months is a while. That surly after Mat gets his memory back we can still work it out.

"I'm still too scared Mom. If he rejects me again it'll almost kill me. If we're mates and marked, it'll most definitely kill me."

"I don't think that will happen Honey."

"I want to think that. I do. But my fear just won't let go of me. Flora wants this so bad. The pull is crazy. I understand why most mate the day they meet. The fear is very powerful though."

"Yes it is. Top it off with you're an over thinker. And dwell on every little thing."

"I can't help it. I don't want to be like that."

As we're talking Adora walks in.

"Hey Babes, hey Momma."

"Hey Sweetie."

"My twin! My other half," I say has I hug my best friend. She sits beside me on the couch. I lay my head on her shoulder. I love my twin. Her hair is now teal green.

"So, what are we talking about?"

"I'm just trying to help Rora figure out what to do about mating Mateo."

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