Chapter 12

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Aurora's POV

I wake up the next morning wrapped in Mateo's arms. When I look at him he looks so peaceful. I slip out of his arms and get dressed. I can't believe I did that. If he rejects me when his memory comes back, I will not be able to survive the pain. I leave and head home. I need to think. I get home and go upstairs. After a while I hear my parents leave for the day. I don't have to go to the clinic till later so I decide to soak in a hot bubble bath.

'Why Flora? It's gonna be 100 times worse now.'

'He's not going to reject us. Stop overthinking.'

I get out of the tub and dry off when I look in the mirror I see my mark. My beautiful half moon. Goddess. I'm not only mated either. I'm a luna. Ah, what did I do?

'Stop. The. Over. Thinking.'

'Fine Flora.'

I need to get to the clinic. I put on my purple scrubs, braid my hair and get my comfy shoes on. I rush out the door only to run into Mateo.

"What the hell Aurora? I wake up to find my mate missing. No note and you closed your mind to me. I was freaking out."

"I'm sorry Mat. I needed to think. And now I need to go to the clinic. Please just give me today. A lot happened last night."

"Fine. I'll give you today. But you're my mate. Like it or not you're moving in with me tonight. I will not wake up without you by my side again. Understand."

He's mad and going all alpha on me.

"Don't get that tone with me. You're the reason I feel this way."

"You said you forgave me. And you marked me first."

"I do forgive you but I can't stop my fear. Give. Me. The. Day."

"Fine. I'll be here at 7:00 tonight to get you. Be packed."

With that he walked away. Shit I'm messing up. I get to the clinic and say hey to Becca. Mom, Christy, Megan, and Fran are there. The minute I walk into the lounge Christy squeals.

"Oh my goddess! You and Alpha Mateo mated!"

My mark is showing. And now I'm also blushing.

"Oh, Honey. I'm so happy."

"Ok. Everyone stop. Yes we mated. I went into heat last night. I don't know how to feel about it and I don't want to talk about it."

With that I go to my mom and pull her aside and tell her everything that happened from last night to just now with Mat. Well, without the sexy details of course.

"It's going to be ok. This is a good thing."

"I know Momma I'm just..."


"Fine! I'll just go with it. And pray to the goddess I don't get hurt."

"That's my girl."

Ahhh! Ok. Enough. Working then going home to pack. Tonight I move in with my mate. Oh good goddess.

Mateo's POV

Damn her! Damn me! Just. Fuck! It's all my fault but I got mad at her. I'm a jerk. I know I am.

'I was upset she left this morning too. But you shouldn't have treated her like that.'

'I know Whiskey. I'm pissed enough at myself without your help.'

I head to my office to work. It'll be better when I get her moved in.

7:00 finally rolls around and I head to get my mate. My gorgeous mate. I knock on the door and she opens it. I grab her bags, she tells her parents bye and we head to the pack house. She doesn't talk to me on the way there or while she unpacks. I'm sitting on the couch when she finishes and comes sit next to me.

"I'm sorry I was a dick earlier. I just was scared when I woke up and you were gone."

"No. I'm sorry. I should have never left."

"Let's just go to bed huh?"

"Yes please."

We go to bed and I fall asleep holding my mate. MY mate. It was a rough start. But we're here. We're together. That's all that matters.

Her Forgetful Mate Where stories live. Discover now