Chapter 7

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Aurora's POV

I wake up the next morning tired with puffy red eyes. Great. After a shower and some makeup I finally look presentable. I braid my hair and put on my pink scrubs and comfy shoes. I go downstairs and eat a light breakfast and make a coffee to go. Dad is already at the training field. He'll still train half the day then be in an office the other half. Mom has already headed out. She likes to be early to the clinic. So I go to the clinic and say hi to Becca as I walk in. We don't have any patients at the moment so the only ones here at the moment are Mom, me, Jenna and Rachel. I say my hi's and sit at my desk. In our large lounge we all have a small desk with computer on one side and couches and a mini kitchen on the other. The clinic isn't huge. A few private rooms and one large room with multiple beds. It works well for our pack size. We also have two operating rooms, though, those are not needed very often at all.

"My nephew turns 16 tomorrow. He is so excited about getting his wolf," Rachel is telling us.

"Tommy is 16 tomorrow? Wow. Time flies." My mom said.

"I remember my 16th birthday. My parents had the biggest party. That night was definitely unforgettable. That first transformation is a bitch," Jenna says.

"Oh, yeah it is. I'm glad it gets better quickly. And faster," I say. That first time hurts. Your bones changing for the first time. Luckily you hear your wolf pretty early in the day. He or she talks with you and helps with the anxiety to come. But man, once you finally change, that's a feeling like no other. Running free with the wind in your fur. Being faster and stronger and more invincible. Healing quickly. Your senses getting better. Nothing like it. Makes all that pain completely worth it.

We sit there for about an hour just talking when an all pack mind link from Mateo comes through.

"Rogues are trying to enter our territory. Everyone to your stations. NOW!"

That means, women, children and elderly who can't fight go to the underground protection. The luna usually goes with them with the beta female. In our case the old luna and Beta Drew's wife will go with them. All warriors are to get in there places and all doctors and nurses are to report to the clinic.

I mind link Dad and Adora, "Y'all be careful. I love you."

"I love you too Precious. No worries."

"I love you too Rora. Like Dad said, no worries."

Within five minutes all our doctors and nurses are in the clinic as we wait for news. Hopefully we won't really be needed. Just minor stuff. And everyone will be fine. I also pray to the goddess that it's quick. I hate standing and waiting for news. Mom makes sure we have everything we could possibly need available and at the ready. An hour goes by. We've had a few warriors come in too injured to fight anymore. But, all still alive thank goddess. Then we get a mind link from Drew.

"Alpha Mateo has been hurt. Severe head injury. I'm coming with him now."

Oh my goddess. No. Please be ok. As Drew walks in, naked with a naked Mateo, normal for us. We get him to put him in a private room. It's me and my mom working on him. Julie gets a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for Drew. We keep them stashed everywhere on pack land and in the common rooms like the clinic and hall, etc.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Thankfully we got them all. But the last one wasn't going easy. In the tussle, Mateo was thrown hard and hit a sharp rock with his head. He was out cold the minute he hit."

"I hope you killed that son of a bitch rogue," I say as I'm looking over Mateo.

"We did."

"All right everyone out who isn't medical," my mom says.

We start to look over every inch of Mateo. He has some bad cuts and bruises but nothing broken. His head though, well, it has a very nasty gash on the side bleeding heavily. It's already swelling bad as well. Mom cleans the wound and we get a CT scan done. As my mom is looking over the results I'm cleaning Mateo up and bandaging his head. I put him in a hospital gown and make sure he is comfortable on the bed. This is killing me seeing him like that. I can't believe he was hurt. Flora is whining in my head as well.

'He'll be ok Flora. Don't worry.'

'I can't feel his wolf.'

Oh shit. Without his wolf he'll heal slower. Also, what does that mean for him? Is his wolf gone forever or just stunned?

'Flora. Tell me the minute you feel his wolf come back ok?'

'I will.'

Oh Mateo. I sit beside him and hold his hand. Please come back. Please. I'm praying to the goddess as my mom walks in with Mateo's parents. Robert and Lee Avans. They come to me and give me a hug.

"Hello Dear. How are you? I know this is hard. We don't understand why he rejected you but I still feel as if you're my daughter," Lee says.

"Yes. I feel the same," Robert says.

"Thank you. I'm ok. I just want Mateo to wake up."

"I have his CT results. Luckily there is no brain bleed. And the swelling seems to be all external. That's a good sign. We'll just have to wait and see," My mom says.

"Mom, Flora can't feel Whiskey."

"Well, that doesn't help but that also doesn't mean anything critical yet either."

"It seems he's in a coma," I say.

"Yes. Hopefully he'll come out of it soon."

After making sure everything was ok we left our former alpha and luna to sit with their son for a while. We go and check on everyone else. Thankfully no one else is seriously injured and can be released to heal the rest of the way at home. We get everything cleaned up and make out a schedule for everyone to make sure a doctor and nurse are present at all times while Mateo is here. Adora sends some of her best to protect the clinic. Have to be on the safe side when your alpha is down. We'll try our best to make sure word doesn't get out but better safe than sorry. I take the first night shift with Mateo. I sit beside the bed, holding his hand.

"I don't know why you rejected me. But no matter the reason I still love you. I don't want anything to happen to you either. Just, come back to me please. I'll be content being your friend. Just, wake up."

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