Chapter 5

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Mateo's POV- before the ceremony

Fuck! I want to punch something. I'm sitting at my desk at the pack house. I just saw Aurora for the first time in four years. For the first time since I rejected her. She looks even more beautiful and she was already gorgeous. Goddess, I'm a jackass. I can't tell anyone why I rejected her. She deserves better than me. So does this pack.

There was a knock at my door. I tell by scent that it's my beta Drew.

"Leave me alone!"

Does he leave? Nope. He comes in anyway. Only my beta can pull this shit.

"Ok, what's up with you? Is it Aurora? You've changed ever since you rejected her. You turned into a jerk and I don't know why. It's like you're upset about it but you're the one who rejected her. So what the fuck man? We're best friends. You can talk to me."

"I can't though. I can't talk to anyone. Don't ask anymore questions about it. I'm done."

"Whatever man. Her father will be here soon. Might want to get your head out of your ass before he gets here."

And with that, Drew walks out and slams the door. I want to talk to him. He is my best friend but I can't talk to anyone. And let's make things worse with having to meet with Anthony. Aurora's family have always been respectful to me as alpha but I know they hate me. A few hours later there is a knock on the door and I get prepared to see Anthony. The father of the woman I rejected. My head warrior.

"Come in."

He walks in and bows his head in submission as a sign of respect.

"Everything is ready for me to pass down my title to Adora tonight Alpha Mateo."

"Good. I'm glad you'll still be with us though. I don't want to loose my best warrior."

"No worries there Alpha. Is there anything else that needs to be done today?"

"No. Training will end early today so everyone can be at the ceremony. I'll see you then."

"That you will. As well as my WHOLE family. We're very proud of Adora."

Yeah. He hates me. I don't blame him though.

He turns to leave and shuts the door behind him. Goddess I'm screwed.

'You're an idiot,' Whiskey, my wolf, says.

'Tell me something I don't know.'

'You should have talked to her instead of rejecting her just like that.'

'No. You know she deserves the world. I can't give her everything she wants and deserves.'

'Should have let her decide that.'

'I gotta get ready. Just, leave me alone about this.'


Whiskey shuts up and goes to the back of my mind. I for real have to get ready. I go to my apartment on the third floor of the pack house. It has a living room, small kitchen, three bedrooms, hall bath and master bathroom. I shower and groom my beard. I put on my dress khakis, green button up collared shirt and dress shoes.

It's time for the ceremony so I walk to the hall. I see Aurora in the front. Here we go.


"Hey everyone. We're here today to acknowledge our new head warrior. Anthony has been a great asset to our pack. He lead our warriors in multiple fights where we came out the victor every time. He has lead our training for 24 years now. He was best warrior, then leader and now mentor. Even though we'll miss him as our leader, he'll always be there as our mentor."

Everyone claps.

"And I'm honored to announce that our new head of warriors is Adora Cellar, Anthony's daughter. She is like Anthony in every way so I know my pack is in good hands with her."

More clapping.


"It's my honor and privilege to pass my title today to my wonderful daughter, Adora. Adora, please come and say something."

Adore walks up, bows her head to me and shakes her father's hand then gives him a hug.

"I love my pack. I think it's the best pack in the world. I will always stand by you and protect you with everything I have."

After the cheers finally stop, I step back up to the mic.

"In honor of Anthony retiring and Adora taking his place, we have a meal prepared for everyone to enjoy and celebrate. Adora and Anthony, would you start the line please? Your family as well."

I watch as they step down to get Judith, Kat and Aurora. She gives me the smallest glance. Her eyes giving away her feelings. I'm a jerk and an idiot.

'Mate,' whimpers Whiskey.

'Yeah, Buddy. I still feel it too.'


'No kidding.'

Her Forgetful Mate Where stories live. Discover now