Chapter 6

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Aurora's POV

I'm sitting with my family and pack enjoying a wonderful celebration of Adora. The conversation is light and fun. I try not to look over at Mateo. Watching him talking on stage was torture. Being so close to him. Goddess, I'm so stupid. I ran off when he rejected me and didn't accept the rejection. There is still a pull. Not as strong but it's there. The pain is still there too.

'This will get easier right?' I ask Flora.

'I hope so. Cause this sucks.'

'Yeah it does.'

"So, all the kids have Skittles as a treat for sitting quietly during lessons. And little Maggie comes up to me and shows me her hand. It's stained rainbow with Skittles. And she says, 'I need to wash my hands. I got shittles on em.' It was so cute. I just had to say, 'You got what on them?' 'Shittles.' Hahahaha!" Kat was telling a story of one her students.

"That's so cute," my mom says.

"I'm calling them shittles from now on," Amanda says laughing.

I laugh and try to join in on the conversation but my mind keeps drifting to Mateo.

"Aurora? Aurora!?"

Amanda is trying to get my attention now.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I was asking when this morning sickness will end."

"Oh, for most it's done by 2nd trimester. You should feel much better and even have some energy by then."

"That's a relief. Not too much longer then."

"Thinking about Mateo?" Adora whispers to me. She is sitting to my right.

"How can you tell?"


I smile at her and she gives me a side hug. As we move on to dessert I feel him walk up to us.

"Congratulations again Adora. I'm proud to have you has my head warrior. Anthony, Judith, I know you're proud."

"We certainly are. We're proud of both our girls," my dad says.

"Of course. Aurora, I got notification from River Pack's alpha that you were top in your class. We are definitely lucky to have you at our clinic. I'm glad you came back home. How are you?"

"I'm good, thank you. Happy to be home."

After we stare at each other for a moment he clears his throat and says his goodbyes. I hear Flora whining. This is going to be hard. We get back to our conversation and everyone keeps it light. They're trying to make things easy on me. I'm thankful for them. After the celebration we all head home. I decide to soak in a hot bath for a while. Then I go to bed and cry myself to sleep.

Tomorrow is new day.

Mateo's POV

Stupid, dumbass, dickwad, mother fucker.

I'm so dumb. I'm a jerk. And goddess she is perfect. I should have said more. I should've apologized. I should have, I don't know. It's not like I can fix it. I've been messed up since the day I rejected her.

'I want my mate.'

'Whiskey, you know we can't.'

'Stupid jerk.'

And with that, Whiskey settled down to sleep. Ignoring me for the rest of the night. All I could do was think about Aurora. And how I wish I could give her everything but like my grandma used to say, if wishes were wings a frog wouldn't bump his butt every time he hopped. After hours of laying in bed, tossing and turning, I finally fell into a fitful sleep.

Tomorrow is a new day. Right?

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