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Aurora's POV

"Oohhh, another contraction."

"Where the hell is Mateo?" Adora ask.

"Blu Moon pack needed some supplies. You help your neighbors and allies. It's only an hour away. I told Mat to go. The alpha needed to go. My dumb ass thought I had another good week before the baby."

"And he just went?"

"He didn't want to. I convinced him. Gah, you know, Cleo had me fooled that this was easy. She was so easy."

"They say the second child is the complete opposite of the first."

"True in this case."

Cleo is two years old now. And her daddy's angel. We got pregnant with our second thanks to a heat as well. So, Morris was somewhat right. Not impossible but things had to be just right to get me pregnant. I wouldn't have cared if Mat was sterile. I understood where he was coming from though. Why he felt less than. I wish he hadn't felt that way. I wish he had talked to me. But it all worked out in the end.

"Baby, I'm on pack land now. Almost there."

"Thank goddess."

"Mats on pack land."

"Good," my mom says. "cause this baby is almost here."

Five minutes later Mat rushes in.

"I told you I shouldn't go."

"It all worked out and you're here now. Yay! Aahhh!"

Mats rushes over and takes my hand. Adora is on my other side.

"Ok Sweetie, push."

After a few pushes we hear a baby cry.

"Another girl!" My mom says.

"Awe, that makes three girls ruling you now Alpha Mateo," Adora says.

"Girl, boy it doesn't matter. I have a new pup," Mat says as he takes the baby. He looks at her like she put the moon in the sky. He doesn't cry often. But he did with Cleo and he is now.

"She's perfect," Adora says.

Mat passes her to me. Two perfect girls. I couldn't ask for more.

"What do you want to name her?" I ask Mateo.


"Welcome to the world Dorthy," I say as I give her a kiss.

We call Dad in and he brings Cleo and Kat follows with their son. He is also two.

"Cleo, meet your baby sister Dorthy," Mateo says as he gets Cleo.

"Baby!" She yells.

"Yes. She's perfect just like you," Mateo says.

Yeah, I couldn't ask for more.

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