Chapter 3

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Four years later.

I just celebrated my 22nd birthday. I haven't been back home this whole time. Mom, Dad, Adora and Kat have come to the River Pack over the last four years to see me. I never wanted to be away from them but I just couldn't go back home. The heartbreak is just too bad. But, I'm finished with my schooling and internship and am ready to be a doctor for my pack. My pack who I love so much. So I'm driving back today. I haven't seen Mateo since that day. He became our alpha two years ago. I don't know how the hell I'm going to handle that but I have to.

I'm finally at our pack's border. Timothy, a childhood friend, is patrolling today. The moment he sees me he waves and lets me in. I wave back and drive through. I go straight home. When I get in the house is empty. Dad is busy getting ready to pass his title of head of warriors to Adora. I'm so proud of her. And Mom is of course at the clinic. We usually don't have anything major, especially since we heal so quickly, but kids under 16 don't heal as fast and neither do the elderly. So it's good to have people at the clinic at all times. I'm so tired that I decide to go upstairs and shower and take a nap.

Before I know it it's dinner time and my mom is waking me up.

"Hey Mom. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sleep so long."

"That's ok Sweetie. I understand. I brought home some pizza and breadsticks and Pepsi. Adora and Kat are on their way and your dad is downstairs. Why don't you come on down."

"Sounds good Mom. I could use some greasy food and caffeine." I smile at my mom and follow her downstairs.

"There she is. Hey Precious. How are you feeling?" My dad ask as he gets me in a big bear hug.

"I'm good Daddy. Ready to eat, that's for sure."

"Oh, so you only care about the food huh? Not your dear old dad? I see how it is."

"I love you too Daddy," I say laughing at my father's dramatics.

As we walk into the kitchen the front door opens and in walks Adora and Kat. I give my twin a big ol hug.

"Goddess I miss having you with me everyday. How are you? Ready for tomorrow Ms. Head of warriors?"

"I was born ready Babes. How are you? Ready to start work tomorrow? Possibly see Dickwad?"

"Adora! I'm just as angry as you are about what Mateo did but you can NOT talk about your alpha that way," my mom scolds Adora.

"Just telling the truth Momma. And, that was me being nice. I was gonna call him a fuckin jackass little bitch."


"Mom, she's just defending me. It's not like she would be disrespectful to his face."

"Yeah. Plus, we're twins. I feel her pain more than most siblings would in this. And she's my best friend."

"Thank you Dora, but I'll be fine. It's been four years. Im sure it will still hurt and be hard but I can mostly avoid him. Sit in the back during meetings. It's all good."

"He doesn't deserve you anyway."

I smile at my best friend/twin and thank the goddess that I have her. The moon goddess might have messed up with my mate but not my family.

"So Kat, how is teaching going? Our little pups aren't driving you too crazy are they?" I ask Kat. She teaches the 5 and 6 year olds. Humans would call it kindergarten.

"I love it. The pups are so sweet. And just make my days better."

"Good. Im glad. I don't know how you do it. I love children but I couldn't teach. Especially such a young age."

"Kat was made for this. Our pups are lucky to have her," my mom gushes.

I love how well Kat fits in with not only our family but our pack. At least Adora got a good mate.

After dinner we all sit around and talk about anything and everything. Dad has pure pride written all over his face about passing down his title to Adora tomorrow. When Adora and Kat left I told Mom and Dad good night and went to bed. Tomorrow is going to a busy day. And at some point I'll see Mateo. I just hope I'm ready.

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