Chapter 9

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Aurora's POV

I'm heartbroken again. Mom tells me not to worry about going to the clinic today. So I sleep in, take a long bubble bath then settle in bed to watch some movies. By 2:00 I decide to get dressed in something more than PJs and head downstairs. Mom in on the couch reading a book.

"Hey mom. Everything go well with Mateo this morning?"

"Yes. He's back home. I told him to rest this week. No going to training or over doing it with alpha duties. How are you?"

"I'm ok I guess. I want to be with him. But I can't risk it."

"Well, how about you just spend time with him. Do like the humans do and date. Get to know each other again. When his memory comes back he'll also remember this time with you. Maybe whatever happened then won't matter anymore. He was young and stupid. You can help him."

"Yeah Mom. Maybe I will."

After I have a snack I think about it and decide to go see Mateo. I tell my mom bye and head to the pack house. When I get there I see Drew.

"Hey Aurora. I'm glad you're here. Mateo has been sad. But he's been like his old self so that's nice. Maybe you can make it even better."

"We'll see." I give him a smile and ask where Mat is. He tells me the apartment. I thank him and head to the third floor. Goddess I'm so nervous. I knock on the door and he opens it.

"Hey. I'm so glad you came. Does this mean you changed your mind?"

"Not completely. Can I come in?"

"Of course, please."

I walk in and he leads me to the living room and we sit on the couch.

"How are you?" I ask.

"I feel fine. It's weird being here alone. Last I remember Mom and Dad was here and in the master bedroom. And it's weird to see me with a full beard. I have more muscle too. But, I'm ok. Better now that you're here. How about you?"

"I'm ok. The bond being back full force is weird. I never accepted the rejection. I ran off and left for school at my aunt and uncle's pack the next day. I've only been home a few months. I guess me not accepting and your amnesia somehow brought back the connection."

"I still don't understand why I did that. Please forgive me and be my mate."

"I told you why that's a bad idea. But, I was thinking. We could go on dates and get to know each other again. And when you get your memory back we can go from there. That way if you still reject me it won't be as bad as it could be."

"I'll take it. I'll do anything to be with you Aurora."

"Ok. Let's start now. How about a movie then I'll make you dinner?"

"Sounds good."

Mateo puts on The Princess Bride. Romance and comedy. Plus Cary Elwes, yes please. We sit by each other on the couch. He scoots closer and closer then puts his arm around my shoulders. I don't protest. Neither does Flora, she is doing a happy dance in my head. When the movie is over I go to the kitchen to see what I can make. I decide on an Italian dressing flavored chicken, brown rice, creamed corn and BBQ bread toasted with butter. I tell Mateo to sit at the counter. I don't want him to help and possibly over exert himself.

"Yes Ma'am."

As I make the meal we just talk about the last four years for me. He's happy to learn I never dated. He also made sure from his parents that he never dated either. He seems very relieved to have found that out. I won't lie, I was relieved too. I get the meal done and we sit at the table with our plates. So far so good.

Mateo's POV

I was shocked when I woke up yesterday in the hospital, find my mate, it's Aurora who is exactly who I wanted, then find out I've forgotten four years, I had rejected the most perfect mate and had been in a coma for three weeks. Then Aurora tells me to reject her again. Hell no. I was so hurt when she left last night. I almost went to her today but my parents suggested I go home and rest. Then Aurora comes over and says she'll give us a chance to date. I'll take it. She let me hold her during the movie and now we're eating a delicious meal she made. I had found out from my parents that I never wanted to date these last four years. Thank goddess. And I just found out Aurora never dated either. This is starting off real good.

"So, after my year of internship I came back home."

"Well, of course you were top of your class. You're the smartest person I know. We're lucky to have you here. I'm even luckier that you're my mate." She smiles at me but I still see doubt. Why did I reject her. I was an idiot. Whiskey doesn't remember either so I have no help about any of that.

"Mom told me we just did a ceremony for Adora as well. She's my new head of warriors. I knew that was coming. And she has a mate."

"Yes. She met her on our birthday camping trip. Kat. She's a teacher here. 5 and 6 year olds. She's great."

"I hate I forgot all that. But I'm glad I get a second chance with you."

"Me too Mat."

After our meal she helps clean up and says she needs to go home and sleep. She has to go to the clinic tomorrow. So I walk her to the door.

"Can I see you tomorrow after work? Take you out to dinner?" I ask.

"I'd like that. Pick me up at 6:30?"

"With bells on."

She steps on her tip toes and gives a kiss on my cheek. Then she leaves. Whiskey is howling in my head he's so happy. I want to howl myself. Yeah, I'm gonna fix this.

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