Chapter 4

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I get up early the next morning to get ready. I put on my sky blue scrubs and braid my hair. I put on light makeup and my comfortable shoes and head downstairs. Dad is already gone but Mom is in the kitchen fixing me a plate of eggs, bacon and toast. I give her a hug and make a cup of coffee. I sit at the counter to eat.

"Are you ready for today?" My mom ask.

"Yeah. I'm excited to be at the clinic."

"And if you run into Mateo?"

"We'll see."

I put my dishes in the washer and my mom and I head out to the clinic. On the way, one my good friends, Amanda, stops me.


"Hey girl."

"I'll just head to the clinic. Talk with your friend," my mom said as she walked away.

"Rora, I missed you."

"I missed you too Amanda. How are things?"

As she gives me a hug she goes on about meeting her mate. She is a year younger than me so I wasn't here for that part of her life.

"What? Curt is your mate? I should've known it would be him."

"And, I just found out that I'm pregnant." She squealed.

"Oh my goddess! Congratulations! That's the best news ever."

"Curt is ecstatic. And I'm so glad you're back because I really want you to be my doctor for this."

"I would be honored."

After talking a little longer and giving her a hug I start heading to the clinic. I'm almost there when, you guessed it, I see Mateo. And damn, he looks even better than he did four years ago. He's buffer and now has a very sexy beard. A thick, well groomed beard. Ah fuck. Flora starts whining in my head.

'Please don't do that. It makes this harder.'

'I can't help it. You didn't except the rejection so this is going to be harder.'

'Shit. I forgot all about that.'

'I want my mate.'

'I do too Flora. But he doesn't want us.'

More whining, then she curls up in my mind to sleep. She's sad. As am I. Mateo looks at me and he looks, sad? Um, hell no. You rejected me jackass. Then he puts on a stoic face and walks away. Yeah, this is going to be fun.

I walk into the clinic and say hi to our receptionist, Becca. Then go to the doctor's lounge where we wait to be needed.

"It's Aurora!"

"Dakota? Hey. Did you become a nurse?"

"I did. Here at your beck and call."

Dakota was one of the sweetest girls in school. I just love her. After saying our heys I meet the other doctors and nurses. Some new people who came here as mates to my pack members. Everyone is great. There are 5 doctors, my mom (the head), me, William, Zack, and Christy. And there are 6 nurses, Dakota, Rachel, Julie, Jenna, Megan, and Fran. We get along very well. I'm loving being back and doing what makes me happy.

During the day we had an elderly wolf, almost 103 years old. Wolves live longer than humans. He fell and broke his hip. He'll heal but it will take a little longer due to his age. We also had a few kids for different things. Flu, some cuts and scrapes, and a boy learning to fish who got a hook caught in his arm. All in all it was a good day. Now it's time to go home and get ready for Adora's ceremony.

After getting a shower I dress in a maxi dress with brown and blue designs. Put light waves in my hair, light makeup with a baby pink lip and brown ballet flats. Mom and Dad are already at the hall so I head that way.

When I walk in I go straight to Adora to give her love.

"I'm so proud to be your twin."

"Thanks Rora. I'm so ready for this."

"Daddy, you ready to pass the crown?" I ask.

"I am. It's not like I'm still not going to be a warrior and be there for my pack."

"It's time to get to our seats." Mom says.

So me, Mom, and Kat go take a seat in front of the stage. I'm excited for Adora but I'm so not excited to have to be so close to Mateo. Goddess. Here we go.

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