Chapter 10

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Aurora's POV

I'm at the clinic the next day. We don't have any patients. Which is normal. So it's just me and Jenna there.

"Amanda wanted to come today for a check up. She said she would be here at 11:00." Jenna tells me.

"Ok. That sounds good. It'll give us something to do today."

"So what's happening with Alpha Mateo?"

"We're going on a date tonight."

"Going the human route huh?"

"It's best till he gets his memory back."

"I understand. It's gotta be fun though."

"I think I'm gonna like it more than I thought I would."

We talk and gossip a little more till 11 and Amanda walks in.

"Hey Amanda. How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Good. The morning sickness is getting better."

"That's great. Let's check up on the pup."

After her check up, which goes perfectly, she leaves and Jenna and I order lunch from the diner. After it's delivered and we eat we just sit and talk for the rest of the day. At 5:00 I head home to get ready for my date.

"Hey Hun. You excited about tonight?" My mom ask as soon as I walk in.

"I am. Going to get ready now."

I head up stairs to shower and get ready. I fix my hair down and put on some makeup and decide on my knee length, one shoulder, navy dress and black ballet flats. I never wear heals. I hate them. I'm tall enough anyway. I head downstairs just in time to hear a knock on the door. I open it to see Mateo. He's dressed in khakis and green and brown plaid dress shirt. Beard perfectly groomed. Damn, he looks good. He has a bouquet of purple irises for me. My favorite. He gives me a hug as I take the flowers. My parents step up at this point.

"Those are beautiful. Here, I'll put them in a vase and put them in your room for you," my mom says as she takes my flowers and walks to the kitchen.

"Thank you."

"Take good care of my daughter. You are my alpha but if she gets hurt, again, I'm not gonna care about that fact."


"No, it's ok. I understand. I don't want to hurt her again Anthony. I'm going to be careful. I promise."

Alphas have a hard time with defiance but I guess he lets this go. I'm glad about that.

"Good. Have a good time."

"Love you Daddy."

"Love you Precious."

We head to Mateo's truck and he opens the door for me. After we're both settled he starts it and drives off.

"Where are we going?"

"To a human restaurant in town. I've heard it's the best Italian food in the state."

"I love Italian." I say.

As we leave pack grounds Mateo reaches over and grabs my hand. It's nice. This feels right. Flora is so happy.

"So, I haven't let Whiskey out since, well I guess the rogue attack. He really needs a run. I was wondering if Flora wanted to run too. We could go tonight when we get back."

"It has been a minute since she ran. And she is going crazy right now at the idea. She really wants to see Whiskey. So, yeah."

"Whiskey wants to see her too. It's a plan then."

"How are you adjusting back to being alpha?"

"It's natural. I've been ready since I was 16 so. I'm not liking some of the stories of how much of a jerk I was."

"I heard some stories. Though I mainly heard you were recluse. When not needed on the training field, where you were a hard ass, you stayed in your office."

"Yeah, I think I was worse with my parents and Drew. I still don't know what happened. They say I said I wasn't worthy. I had never felt that way before though."

"It's gonna be ok."

We get to the restaurant and order. The food was delicious. As we ate we kept the conversation light. After Mateo paid we left and he took me to a park. We're walking around the park, holding hands. There are a lot of couples out here tonight. We get to a fountain and sit on a bench. Mateo puts his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"This was great. Thank you Mat."

"Thank you for giving me a second chance."

"I'm scared."


"When your memory comes back. What if these dates don't help? What if whatever happened makes you still want to reject me?"

"I love you. You're my mate. That won't happen."

"You already wanted me. You said so yourself. And you were ready to be alpha. Whatever happened made you feel unworthy. What if that is stronger than the mate bond? It was once."

"I'm older and wiser now. I'll work through it. I will NOT loose you again."

I wrap my arms around him as he holds me and we just people watch for a while. I hope what he said is true, because I'm in this too deep now. I couldn't take the pain.

After a while we get up and go back to the truck. Again he holds my hand on the way to the pack. When we get back we park at the pack house and go to the back woods. I go behind a tree and undress and let Flora out. She is a beautiful brown wolf. When we walk around the tree Mat has let Whiskey out. He is a multi color wolf. Mostly brown with red, black, and white within his fur. He is very unique and very beautiful. They run to each other and rub noses. They are very happy to be with their mate. Mat links me.

"Ready to run?"

"Let's go."

And off we run. Whiskey and Flora have the time of their lives. Running and playing with each other. We ran for about an hour and stopped at a lake to rest. Whiskey cuddles up next to Flora and we just look at the stars for a while. Then we get up and head back to the pack house. I go behind the tree and change back and put my clothes on. Mateo then takes my hand and walks me back home. At my door he leans down and kisses me. Best first kiss ever.

"See you tomorrow?" He ask.

"You better."

I smile at him and he leans down and gives me another quick kiss then walks away. I go in and head to bed. If what he said was true. We might just be able to do this. I fall asleep with a smile on my face and sleep better than I have in a long time.

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