The Beginning of the Past

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Hidden deep in the mountains on a remote island was a bunker. The bunker was the heart of an ever-expanding military faction lost to time. Filled with the remnants of their glory: rows of uniformed soldiers in cryogenic pods, fleets of armored vehicles and aircraft, arsenals of advanced weapons and explosives, archives of classified documents and data, and countless other resources and supplies.

Thousands of years had passed since an event that took humanity with it. But here stood the product of man, waiting for something to happen.

But time was the greatest enemy of all. Time had eroded the bunker bit by bit, year by year. Time brought natural disasters, internal conflicts, and environmental hazards. Time damaged the autonomous systems, rendering them useless or arguably dangerous.

One of these systems was Cv-7, a security system that guarded the bunker from intruders. Cv-7 had control over the doors, cameras, alarms, and weapons, programmed to defend the bunker at all costs.

But as time passed, Cv-7's function became obsolete. The weapons broke down and became inoperable. Many doors rusted and decayed past the point of functionality. The only things that remained were the camera systems and door locks, but even then, things were desperate.

The lights flickering was a common sight to see. After all, with only a few rusty wind turbines and an old, decaying reactor, it was only a matter of time before the lights simply went out.

The turbines were barely spun, some bent and twisted. Some blades were missing, showing signs of rust, bullet holes, and vandalism. Graffiti and symbols covered the base of one of the turbines.

The reactor was not much better. With failing batteries, sudden rapid power fluctuations put immense stress on the reactor and its components, leading to gradual decay. The reactor was already on its way out.

* Warning, battery levels critical.

A warning message displayed on a screen went unread for hundreds of years. Broken screens around this one once held information that couldn't be seen by the public. But that matters not, for there is no public that could see anything.

After losing all contact with their military faction, bunker staff decided to store soldiers and equipment in capsules, hoping that one day, they would be revived and resume their mission.

However, many capsules malfunctioned over time, resulting in the death of many soldiers. The capsules became coffins, holding the lifeless bodies of those who had once fought for a cause they believed in. They were tombs of their own making, meant to preserve life, not death.

* Storm detected.

Another message flashed on the screen. This was nothing new, ever since a global war had unleashed hell on earth. Beyond the mountains that hid the bunker from the world, dark clouds gathered in the sky. Lightning streaked across them, and thunder boomed in the distance.

However, with time comes evolution. A new species had emerged, one that dominated the land above the sea. They were hundreds of miles away, but they had used humans as their model for technological advancement. But even with their best efforts, much of human knowledge was lost and unable to be recovered.

But the bunker still stood, and with it, all of the knowledge that humanity had amassed about warfare. Servers inside the bunker stored all of the information about weapons, from small arms to vehicular weaponry, from nuclear bombs to biological agents. If this new species ever found the bunker, they would have access to the most destructive arsenal ever created.

But then the rain began to fall. Thousands of years ago, after that war had scorched the planet, natural disasters became more frequent and severe. They were more violent, dangerous, unpredictable, and deadly than ever before. And the rain was one of them.

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