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Harper, panting heavily, finally made it to the apartment after what felt like an eternity of running. She hadn't sprinted this much in a while and she desperately needed something to clear her lungs, as well as her thoughts.

Taking a few deep breaths, Harper tried to calm herself down. Once she could breathe through her nose without feeling lightheaded, she entered the apartment.

It was late at night and Sasha lay peacefully on the couch in the living room. Marina sat at the kitchen table, typing away on her laptop, like usual.

Harper waved, and Marina returned the gesture with a warm smile. "Any trouble?" Harper whispered softly, pointing towards the sleeping figure in the other room.

"None at all." Marina replied just as quietly. "She passed out a few hours ago."

Harper took a seat across from Marina, who closed her laptop and leaned back in her chair. The two shared a comfortable silence for a moment before Harper spoke up again. "So... life treating you well?" She asked with genuine curiosity. "Any progress?"

"Life's good." Marina replied, smiling genuinely. "Things are finally starting to come together." She paused for a moment, considering her next words carefully before speaking again. "But... not to that last one."

Harper nodded, understanding exactly what she was referring to.

"And for the others?" She asked, albeit gently.

Marina looked away. "Jealous." She muttered under her breath.

"I get you, girl. I get you." Harper said reassuringly.

Marina sat up straight, stretching her arms above her head. "But anyway." She continued briskly, changing the subject. "How about you?"

"What about me?" Harper looked up at her.

"How's life?" Marina yawned, resting her arms on the table.

Harper looked down at her hands for a moment before looking back up at Marina. "Well... It's not so bad with a sense of purpose." She admitted, her voice firm. "I mean, I have my struggles like anyone else but, I'm doing fine."

"Yeah... I... I guess I lose that purpose sometimes. Life just gets so..." Marina slowly shrugged her shoulders. "Overwhelming."

"Right? It's like, whenever I lose that purpose, it's like I can't do anything anymore." Harper looked back up.

Marina nodded. "Mhm. But I find it again eventually."

"Allen sets me straight." Harper sat back in her chair. "It's his job, sure. But I think he relies on me."

"Well, obviously. You take care of Sasha when he's away. Not to mention, the ruin of the Dominion? You two, or three... Or four now, are the only ones known to be left. But..." Marina explained, trailing off. "But I don't think it's just that. It's what he told me, sure, but I have a different view."

She paused.

"I think that Allen is, in my opinion, trying his best." She said.

"Yeah. I mean, he's the last commanding officer with a whole lot on his shoulders. I don't even know why in the hell he decided to go off on a mission like that." Harper crossed her arms, beginning a rant.

"He's got a lot to do. Paperwork, actual reconstruction of essential assets, and... Well, you know what I mean. Being in such a position, he thought that accepting a contract would be the brightest idea. Really? No offense to you, but he should've sent me! He can take care of Sasha just as well, and he can work on things here!" She continued.

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