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As they settled in to keep watch, the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape. The creatures below seemed to be settling down for the night as well, their movements becoming slower and more subdued. Then, they all headed in one direction. As if they all disappeared behind the distant structure, the duo couldn't see any more movement.

"Let's move." Allen got up; his face serious.

Harper, matching the mood, got up and shouldered her rifle. "Yes sir."

As they began to move, the ground beneath their feet felt unsteady, and Harper stumbled slightly. She cursed under her breath, trying to regain her balance. The island was not without its challenges, and they had to be extra careful while navigating its terrain.

Night has finally drawn the sun away from the mountain, covering the earth in darkness.

As they moved closer to the structure, they could see that it was an old outpost that managed to survive time itself. The building had clearly seen better days, with walls covered in chipped paint and rusted metal components. Yet, it was still standing and seemed to have been repurposed by the creatures.

Approaching cautiously, Harper and Allen could see that the structure was covered in vibrant, colorful paint. It was as if the creatures had used it as a canvas for their own artistic expression. It was a curious sight, and the duo couldn't help but wonder what kind of creatures they were dealing with.

As they got closer, they heard the distant sound of music. It was a strange and unfamiliar tune, but it had a catchy beat that was hard to ignore. The music seemed to be coming from inside the structure, and the sound was growing louder as they approached.

"Sir, do you hear that?" Harper whispered, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and caution.

Allen nodded. "Yeah, I do. Let's hope we don't crash this party. And keep an eye out."

Harper nodded in agreement, her grip on her rifle tightening. The creatures they were dealing with were unlike anything she had ever encountered before, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach.

"What could they want with an old outpost?" Harper whispered, her eyes scanning the structure and around the sides for any signs of life.

"Stay here. If anything goes wrong, you're weapons-free." Allen moved forward at a quickened pace, past the structure to the right. He had his rifle raised, ready to unleash hell upon anyone who happened to be in front of him.

As the structure's wall became clearer, he saw that the creatures had used it as a canvas for their artistic expression. The once drab and weathered outpost was now covered in a rainbow of bright and bold colors. The designs were intricate and complex, with swirling patterns and bold, graphic shapes.

However, his fascination with the artwork quickly dissipated when he rounded the corner and came face to face with one of the creatures. It was smaller than he had imagined, but its weapon looked deadly enough. It resembled a cross between a paint gun and a water gun, with a nozzle that glowed with a faint, pulsing light.

For a few tense moments, they just stared at each other, neither making a move. Allen could see the creature's eyes darting around, assessing the situation. Finally, it spoke in a language that Allen couldn't understand, its voice high-pitched and almost musical.

As the creature approached, Allen's training and muscle memory kicked in. He quickly stepped to the side and disarmed the creature, knocking away the weapon with a swift movement. The creature stumbled, caught off guard by Allen's swift response.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Allen struck the creature with a precise blow, knocking it out cold without causing too much harm. He then quickly surveyed the area, making sure there were no other creatures nearby.

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