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"Alert, hostile contact update. Sensor data reports over six thousand contacts. Estimates are pushing upwards of eight thousand."

"Globally?" Allen's voice cut through the tension.

"Please standby..."


"Compiling sensor data from satellites, orbital stations, and Arctos property. Total estimate ranges between forty and fifty thousand contacts."

Allen clicked his tongue. "Fuck."

"Sir, shouldn't we regroup with our forces? We could contact the local bunkers and see if their AIs respond." Harper suggested.

"Wouldn't work. But we should announce what we know. Cv-7, get on that." Allen's orders were concise, masking the underlying unease. "Instead, we'll have to contact the ACUs at the Alterna site. That's our only reliable forces as of now. Private, give 'em a call."

"Yes sir!" Harper dove into action at the console.

Allen held back a sigh.

He'd really hoped his days of dancing with large-scale forces were over. War had become his only companion, and it was getting old.

No time to dwell, though.

For now, Allen had calls to make.

Calls to the stations, the nearby bunkers, and don't forget signaling the emergency beacon to kick in.

But first, the emergency broadcast.

He grabbed his PDA, tapping the radio icon on the screen.

"Warning, radio frequencies are completely saturated. Possible jamming detected."

"Punch me through the bunker's antennas." Allen said.

"Order confirmed. Queuing Cv-7 now."

A crackling sound came from the PDA moments later. The channel was open.

"This is Allen Fletcher, Sergeant of the Arctos Dominion. I'm sending out this emergency broadcast to all frequencies. As of December sixteenth, nineteen thirty, an Arctos Node stationed in quadrant seven, Sector forty on Earth detected the military organization Nixus. Thousands of drop pods, for reference. The Arctos Dominion recognizes this organization as a terrorist group, so caution is advised. However, due to the nature of this attack, I believe it's completely automated."

He took a breath before continuing.

"Meaning, with no command structure, their forces are unguided and dangerous. Steer clear. To all Arctos affiliates, we are Code Six. Respond immediately and prepare for combat."

He sighed, ending the broadcast.

"PDA, make sure that's on repeat. Hold priority. I want this to punch through even the strongest of jamming, got it?" He ordered.

"Order confirmed. Broadcasting over all radio frequencies. Attempting to use other methods of communication as well."

"Harper?" He looked over, expecting an update.

"Sir. Looks like they're already on their way. They're responding to a Code Four call." She said.

"Code Four? Who?" Allen asked.

"Details are slim, sir. The Arc Net reports it as undefined." Harper shrugged.

"Right. Split two-thirds our way." He said. "PDA, the stations?"

"Combat mode engaged."

After a moment, the loudspeakers from across the room blared.


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