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Marina and Marie had finally finished sorting through the mountain of papers that covered the desk at the cafe. It was hard to believe that it was a desk at all, with all the documents that had piled up over time. There were photos, maps, mission reports, scout information, and all kinds of stuff that Gramps should have taken care of, but he was too busy being old or something.

The three of them, Pearl included, had spent hours going through the mess, trying to sort everything out. Marina didn't blame Gramps for neglecting his duties, but she wished he had told them sooner that he needed help. They could have done this a long time ago, instead of wasting their precious time now.

But it was over at last. They had filed, written, and ordered everything they needed to. Marina felt a wave of relief wash over her as she sat down on a swivel chair and spun around in circles. She felt like a kid again, enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

Marie, on the other hand, was having a different kind of fun. She was on the phone with her boyfriend, giggling and whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Marina could hear her voice from across the room, with her sitting in a swivel chair much the same as Marina's.

"Ugh, she's so cute it makes me sick." Marina muttered to herself as she grabbed her phone and checked on the group chat. The Octoling one. The one she had to set up again.

She scrolled through the messages, trying to catch up.


OCT: You know what I don't get? Those Inkling sodas.

A8: What? They're pretty good.

OCT: No, not the taste, the branding. Have you seen the names? They just sound gross.

A8: I guess. But I don't really think about it.

OCT: Maybe you should. I shudder at the thought of what's in it.

A8: Ink, probably.

CC: Sorry, had to do something. What were we talking about?

A8: Soda.

OCT: No, not that. The other thing.

A8: Oh, overcompensation?

CC: That's right, your weapon choice!

OCT: Oh not this squid again. It's a fine weapon.

CC: Uh-huh. It's pretty big though.

OTH - M: Hey guys, what's up?

CC: Just making fun of Octits, like always.

OCT: You can go to shell.

CC: Don't be such an octo.

A8: Ooh, spicy.

OTH - M: Everyone, please. This isn't worth it. Better yet, isn't Splatmas coming up?

A8: Oh! Yeah!

CC: Ugh, I hate Splatmas. It's so... yuck.

OCT: Like... cute?

CC: It's too much.

OCT: Well I like it. I'm spending time with family. No offense, to literally everyone here.

A8: Why? Offense for what?

OTH - M: You're confusing the poor girl. And hey, offense taken! I've got people to spend it with!

A8: Oh. Like that...

OCT: Don't start that. You'll make me feel bad.

CC: Maybe you should. It's a touchy topic for everyone here.

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