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Mel led the group across the island and through the outpost, her every step purposeful, though tinged with the caution of one who knows the dangers lurking in familiar places.

The gentle ocean breeze brushed past the aged concrete buildings, their surfaces worn by time and the relentless salt air. For Mel, the sea held a bittersweet allure. She had always found solace in its rhythmic waves, but now, with her Inkling skin, the ocean's salty embrace repelled her. It dries her out. It wasn't just an inconvenience; it was a constant reminder of her vulnerability. The saltwater could harm her, and here, there was no safety net, no respawn pad to bring her back.

"It's kind of creepy here, don't you think?" Callie's voice broke the silence, her shiver visible even in the dim light filtering through the cracks in the walls.

Mel glanced back at the group, her expression a mix of determination and concern. "This is a rebuilt outpost, shying away from the Dominion's construction policies." She explained. "The real mystery is why it was rebuilt at all."

Agent 3, always eager to share her knowledge, raised her hand. "It's a candidate for a new stage. Some scouts discovered it through an alleyway, and after some reconstruction, volunteers fought here."

"And then there was the incident." Marina added, her voice almost somber.

"And then the incident..." Mel echoed. "That was deliberate. Allen cleared them out, and quite effectively at that. Then this island was forgotten entirely. Isn't that strange?"

"Not really." Marina shrugged. "Inklings just move on quick."

"That's a little mean." Marie rolled her eyes.

"It's just how things are." Marina winked at her.

"Oh you're just asking for it–"

"Shut the fuck up, both of you!" Mel's sudden outburst silenced them, her frustration evident. With a heavy sigh, she turned and continued walking.

"If you don't follow me–" She called over her shoulder, her voice echoing through the empty outpost. "–good luck getting past the Nodes."



Not that they had to really think of the Nodes. Allen had shut them off, anticipating their arrival.

He stood by the front entrance, arms crossed over his chest, his stance exuding a mix of authority and weariness. His expression was peculiar – sadness mingled with a hint of relief. Mel found it difficult to decipher, to put into words, not that she really had to.

"Y'know." Allen called out, waving with a casual air. "I'm not exactly thrilled about breaking protocol every time I let you all into my bunker."

"Ooh, he's got a point." Mel mumbled to herself, a wry smile tugging at her lips.

"Aww, but you'd be so lonely without our cheerful faces!" Marina yelled back, her voice filled with playful glee.

Mel didn't expect that. She glanced between Marina and Allen, bracing for a reprimand or perhaps even an order to leave. But instead, Allen welcomed the banter with a smile, his stern demeanor softening ever so slightly.

Mel guessed Allen still had a soft side to him. She knew that already, but he was in Sergeant mode right now. When it comes to the Dominion, shouldn't he be super strict...?

Bleh, all these thoughts of him are making her sick. She's already got a pretty good idea of Allen in her head, and nothin's changing that.

"Good to see you all. Marie, you're looking incredible. Callie, lose the beret. It's awful." Allen said, ushering them inside with a brisk motion.

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