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Beyond the sterile white walls of the medbay, Allen, Agent 8, Ange, Harper, and Marie were gathered, their faces reflecting a blend of anticipation and restlessness. Each seemed lost in their own thoughts, their gazes drifting idly or fixating on the minuscule dance of dust specks caught in the air.

Allen leaned against the wall, a picture of calm with his eyes shut. He strained to catch the murmurs of Cv-8 from within the medbay, but the words slipped through his grasp like water through fingers.

With a resigned sigh, he opened his eyes. "I can't make out a thing they're saying in there." He mumbled to himself.

"What's taking them so long?" Agent 8's voice both masked Allen and broke the quiet, drawing glances from the group.

"Medical stuff." Harper replied with a shrug, her voice tinged with a hint of boredom. Her words were translated seamlessly into Inkling by Allen's PDA. "It's related to the nanites that found a way into her body."

"And how'd they manage that?" Agent 8 pressed, genuine curiosity coloring her tone.

"Through fluid transfer–" Harper began, only to punctuate her sentence with a swift, pointed kick to Allen's shin. "–or perhaps through the air."

Allen shot Harper a puzzled look. "What gives? Feels like I'm being accused here."

Harper crossed her arms, a smirk playing on her lips. "Mhm. Tell me, how do you think it happened?"

Allen sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It wasn't exactly just my nanites that found themselves in her body. It was a mix." He said. "Passes off the blame really."

Rolling her eyes, Harper's smirk grew wider. "So you and our friend weren't, as Mel would say, fuckin'?" She nudged him playfully in the side.

"Well, that escalated quickly." Marie chimed in, squinting suspiciously."I... Well, I wouldn't put it past you two."

"What the hell does that mean?" Allen shot Marie a sharp glance."And no, we were not." He looked back at Harper.

"It wouldn't be the first time you've denied being in a sexual relationship~" Harper teased, pushing off the wall with a sly grin.

"I've heard... rumors..." Marie trailed off, her gaze wandering off into the distance.

"My point exactly! Mel loved talking all about it." Harper stole a quick glance at Ange before refocusing on Allen. "And let's not forget that nickname you've been sporting for a while now."

"That thing?" Allen sighed. "It wasn't exactly my proudest moment, especially when most of those rumors were false."

"Most?" Agent 8 piped up, leaning in with a bold curiosity.

"And that's precisely why he had a nickname." Harper chimed in with a giggle.

Agent 8's interest was piqued. "What was it?"

"It's, uh... best not to say. Not my business, kinda." Harper backtracked quickly. "It's ridiculous, anyway."

"You just saved yourself an hour of push-ups." Allen said.

"An HOUR?" Harper's eyes widened. "I'd rather negotiate an alliance with the Nixus."

"Don't get too comfortable. You still owe me laps around the bunker." Allen reminded her, arms crossed firmly.

Harper chuckled nervously. "Right, because all these wires magically fix themselves..."

"Private." Allen raised his voice a tad.

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