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As Allen navigated the bustling streets after leaving Jet at that hospital, a medley of sounds and sights engulfed him. The city was somehow alive with energy, a cacophony of voices and colors swirling around him. Each step he took seemed to draw more attention; curious glances from passersby, the click and whirr of cameras capturing his every move.

Not that he minded. Back when the Dominion was in its prime, seeing an Arctos operative was almost an entire event. Since, well, most jobs the Dominion takes are on planets of great disorder, or are inhospitable.

It certainly reminded him of better days...

But amidst the hustle and bustle, a lone Octoling caught his eye. There was something defiant in the tilt of his head, a silent challenge amidst the chaos. Allen felt a sense of curiosity as he looked at him, but it was short-lived.

Allen moved on, keeping his pace.

Suddenly, his PDA picked up the hushed murmurs coming from the same Octoling, but it was too quiet to actually translate. His PDA buzzed and let him know via the screen.

"Do you have a problem?" Allen asked the Octoling, looking up from the PDA.

The Octoling's eyes widened in disbelief, shocked. "Y-You can understand me?"

"Do we have a problem? Can I help you?" Allen asked again, raising an eyebrow.

The Octoling stuttered, taken aback by Allen's unexpected response. "N-No, I'm fine." He muttered, taking a hesitant step back.

Allen offered a reassuring smile, patting the Octoling's shoulder gently. "Be careful out here. It's a war zone." He cautioned before continuing on his way.

As he walked, he couldn't shake the feeling of being followed. Glancing over his shoulder, he spotted not one, but two Octolings trailing behind him. His PDA buzzed with a warning, alerting him to the presence of both of them.

He wasn't worried, though. If push comes to shove, he could probably order a few ACUs to his position.


Back in the vibrant heart of the Square, Allen's arrival was met with a wave from both Harper and Mel as they noticed him. The others were slow on the uptake, though.

Amidst the lively chaos, the ACU stationed at the water tent stepped aside, noting the lack of demand for their services.

It's a little sad in a way, but it does make his job easier.

Checking the time, though, it's just over the hour they're supposed to be here.

Clearing his throat, Allen stepped a few steps back, addressing those working the tents.

"Alright, everyone!" He yelled in Inkling. In sync with his words, he signed to Harper, their silent communication seamless. "Let's move out! Pass on your duties to your designated ACU partners and follow the routes marked on your maps! It's the laminated paper below your tables!"

Each member eagerly grabbed their designated map, eyes scanning the colorful lines that ran across the paper like ribbons, each hue representing its bearer.

"Listen up if you're unsure!" Allen's voice boomed, ensuring everyone was on the same page. "This is your one and only briefing! Stick with your assigned ACU, keep an eye out for anyone in trouble or injured, and don't hesitate to call for backup if needed! And for the love of all that is holy, depend on your assigned ACU like your life depends on it! It's designed to take them; trust them to save yours!"

After Allen gave the signal, each idol or Arctos Operative went their separate ways.

The tents will remain set up, manned by autonomous units, with the overwatch of Allen to keep things in order. It's why he's not going anywhere unless he actually needs to.

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