I laid my head against the glass window of the moving car and watch as buildings disappeared in the distance and trees appeared. To be honest the trees were extraordinarily beautiful with their plush green leaves and large branches. The clouds had started to gather since we got off the plane and in the car. From what I have heard Seattle hardly has sunny sky's just dark gloomy days, no birds no animals lurking around no even wild dogs. This place shows exactly how I feel inside. Nothing, just cold.
My mother had been going on and on about how I will enjoy living in Seattle until I fully recovered as if I'm a damaged shoe you take to the shoemaker and ask to mend, it was far from that. I had been living a nightmare and my nightmare made me a nightmare so here I am driving into a dingy community. Over the last few months all I have ever been is dark and my parents tip toed around me like I was a bomb about to blow them to smithereens. They were all scared to see if I would go further than body art and colored wigs.
It was not my fault I was like this rebellious teenager, everything has its reasons and this is mine. I closed my eyes and slowly but reluctantly drifted off to sleep.
The sound of Danina singing to the lyrics of the song was somewhat like torture to my ears. She had many talents but singing was never one. We were on our way home from school, she was in middle school and Daniel and I went to high school separate high schools though. Our parents thought it would be good if they split us up seeing as we behaved like conjoined twins in stead of fraternal. But we are inseparable well that's what we thought at the time.
"What do you think they are making for dinner tonight?" Danina asked in curiosity. This was always her question and when I told her what they were making she would force me to take her out for pizza our little secret she told me. That was a lie because she told Daniel, then the gardener, the butler, the housekeeper, the maids and whoever would listen. Then eventually the cook found out and scolded me for spoiling her appetite.
"I really don't know you'll just have to wait and see but I do know it has carrots." I smirked as I watched her turn her nose up. "You know I think egg plant is on it as well, should be tasty don't you think?" I tried to keep my face straight as I heard her gag she was really a drama queen.
"I hate vegetables. I think eating vegetables is a way that parents secretly punish you for wrongs." She crossed her arms over her chest that was developing unlike mine was when I was twelve. Everyone started puberty before me, but that made father happy and when I started to develop he nearly died. He even said if there was a machine he would turn back time and make me a baby again.
"Do you want...?" I started but before I could finish she answered.
"Yes I want pizza with the extra cheese and bacon." She answered giddily.
"Alright then to Pizza Palace we go." I turned the car and down the road we went. Everyone knew us we were celebrities around here and all over the world. I parked the car outside and grabbed the money from my jacket pocket and Danina and I high tailed it into the Pizza Palace. We were greeted and we sent out our greetings before stepping to the counter.
"Um...so many amazing choices a girl should not have to choose." She scanned the menu for the millionth time. "Made up my mind I want the really cheesy pizza with extra extra bacon, Mark please. Oh wait a large one, mamma is really hungry." She finished at last. To be honest I wasn't really a pizza fan and she couldn't eat past two slices. There was this old man that lives on the road and we always gave the rest to him. Why waste good food when so many persons are starving?
"Here you go ladies." Mark said delivering the pizza and winking at me as usual. Well Mark and I were in the same age group sort of he was eighteen and I had just turned sixteen. He wasn't really my cup of tea.
We sat in a small booth and I watched the animal in front of me devour the slices like it was her last meal.
"I'm so full. Take me home please, I feel a bit tired." She muttered her face had gone pale and she looks like she was about to keel over.
"Alright go sit in the car, I am going to pay and be there soon." I gave her the key and she hustled out and into the car. I walked up to the counter and took the money out.
"What's the damage?" I asked Mark.
"Eighteen dollars. So I was wondering if you want to go out on a day that you're not busy. You know like on a date? Or something." He was kind of adorable with hazel eyes and a little mustache coming in. He had a good body too but he really wasn't my type.
"Look Mark you're really adorable, however, I am not allowed to date as yet." I told him nicely my father would feed him to the sharks. Literally.
"I get it with a Porcelain doll as a daughter I would be over protective too." He said. He took my turn down well but he had that look of determination in his eyes. I hated being called Porcelain or Barbie, they all represent perfection and I was not that.
"You have no idea; well I must be off before they send out a search party, so see you next week." I said as I left him staring after me.
I opened the car door and Danina looked asleep with the pizza box on her lap balancing. I started the car and she shuffled and mumbled under her breath. Her head shot all of a sudden.
"What?" I asked a bit frightened.
"Did Mark ask you out? I told him to. Isn't he the cutest? If only I was older. So did he ask you?" she babbled.
"Yes he did and I turned him down. He really isn't my type." I answered simply.
"Why are you afraid that father might not approve of him. David Bleuoskii would be ticked wouldn't he? Can't have you ruining your image of perfection can you?" She was fuming had I said something wrong? Did I offend her in some way? "Daddies little Porcelain doll." She finished.
"It has nothing to do with image I just don't see him that way." I said calm and collected.
"Yea right." She hissed at me. What had I done? I stopped at the red light and looked at her; she was on the verge of tears.
"Do you like Mark?" I asked it had to be the only reason. She tensed on the question.
"N-No...it's just that you get everything. The boys like you but you don't like them back you have a photographic memory and succeed in all that you do and I am struggling to keep up with you. To be honest I actually hate you." I was shocked at what she had just revealed to me. She thought of me as competition and not her older sister. It wasn't my fault I was made this way, the light turned green and I drove but before we even reached the other side a truck hit us off the road the screaming of Danina made me fearful for her life. The car flipped and I could no longer here her screams all was there was the deafening silence and blue and red lights and the sound of the ambulance and the sudden ache I felt all over.
My eyes flew open and sweat was on my forehead and I was clutching my violin for dear life.
"This is it Daniella our new home temporarily that is." Her smile was like a knife cutting into me slowly sharp and painful. The house wasn't bad looking but I hated it I wanted to be back in LA with the sun, the beaches and the birds. Not in dingy Seattle. I did not want a new school or new friends not that I had any to begin with. But in a twisted way Seattle and I were no different, we were both dark and gloomy.
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I ain't gonna lie i had to give myself the worlds weirdest pep talk in the mirror and even to myself i looked crazy. Cause in reality only slightly crazy talk to them self in the mirror and threatens ones self about not posting the book. But its not the weirdest thing i have done.
Teen FictionDaniella has been through a tramatic experience and she begins to rebel, she distances herself from her twin brother. Her parents fear that the path she has been taking will lead to her self destruction and they send her to Seattle to live. She sees...