Nine Lives (less one).

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"No,no, no, no, NO!" Becky stomped on the brake, and her little red Peugeot screeched to a halt. The little ginger cat side eyed her scornfully and scrambled across the road and up a nearby wall to safety.

Hardly had she drawn breath when there was an almighty bang, and she was catapulted forward and into a lamppost.  The airbag went off, smothering her instantly, and there was the sickening hiss of a destroyed radiator.

For a second, Becky sat, shocked. What the actual hell had happened? One minute, she was driving home from work. The next, she was a human pinball.

Before she could think any more, her door was wrenched open, and a man's voice cut into the fog in her brain.

"Are you ok, miss? I'm so sorry. I just didn't see you stop.  Are you hurt?"

Becky turned slowly, her neck instantly telling her she was most decidedly not ok. "Owww," she whimpered quietly, looking up into the face of a very concerned man. A man in a black suit and white shirt. A man for whom an accident like this could have serious consequences.

"Wait, there DONT move. " he disappeared and returned seconds later with his phone.  "Yes. Ambulance, please. No, just one young lady. Me? No, I'm ok. My passenger too, yes.  Thanks." He hung up.

"Please, I dont want any fuss. Im sure it'll be ok? " she cried a little, shock mainly and a little pain. "Is, is your passenger ok?" She added, trying to turn to see the driver.

"Please don't move, miss. I'm sure it's just whiplash, but you can't be too careful. And yes, he's fine. Thank you. What happened? Why did you stop?" The driver moved a little, and now she could see him properly.  Tall, bearded and really quite good looking, his face was etched with worry.

Now Becky blushed. Despite the pain, she suddenly felt stupid  having written off potentially two cars over a cat.

"I - I didn't want to kill the cat. It just ran out, I couldn't just..." she paused and looked up. "I'm afraid I've ruined everything."

The driver smiled, "it's ok, they're only cars. The main thing is the cat's alive thanks to you, and noone is badly hurt. Although I'm sure your neck would say otherwise if it could speak!"

He was about to say something when a voice from the side said, "Terry? I've managed to get hold of Luke. He's heading over to pick me up. I'm running late for the shoot. " There was a pause, and then the voice spoke again, this time right next to her.

"Im so sorry darling, I would stay and see you safely to hospital, you must think me a total arse, but if I'm late it costs everyone money. Terry will stay with you, won't you, Terry? Make sure... oh God, we don't even know your name?"

Becky didnt have to turn to know who the passenger was.  As if in a dream, she turned slightly and looked into the most beautiful blue-green eyes she'd ever seen. Eyes she would recognise anywhere.

"Becky. My name is Becky." She said in a whisper.

"Well Becky, Terry will make sure you get home ok. I'm so sorry darling. I feel terrible leaving you." He smiled apologetically, his cheeks flushing.

"It's ok, honestly, I understand." She managed to say, her mind screaming on every level imaginable.  As the ambulance arrived, together with the fire and police, she was whisked away with Terry by her side. 

As the ambulance doors closed, her last sight of the scene was him smiling and raising a hand "I'll make it up to you! I promise!" He called and the door closed.

The paramedic turned to her and with a look of surprise to rival her own, she said "was that...."

"Yes, yes it was.  Tom Hiddleston just totalled my car..."

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