Dinner for Two

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"Hello again ! You look lovely darling," he grinned as she opened the door and ushered him in. Bending to kiss her cheek, he smelt divine and she breathed deeply, savouring every moment. Who knew how often she would be THIS close to perfection?

"Really? I feel like a Lego woman, no neck and all square, unwieldy body. This collar is a real pain!" she smiled and tried, unsuccessfully to look up at him. "Oh and add Penguin to that list!" she giggled as he frowned.

"Penguin?" he helped her on with her jacket, his fingers brushing her shoulders making her shiver with pleasure. "You got me there I think?"

"Well, apparently - and this came from someone I knew who was a bit of an expert in just such trivia - Penguins can't really look up and move their necks. So if they're watching - say a plane - they just keel over, their little wings and legs flapping!" she laughed "I don't know if that's actually true, and maybe I shouldn't laugh, but I'd like to think so - it's such a cute image!"

For a moment Tom just looked at her and then burst out laughing. "Oh Becky, sometimes something is so wrong it's just right! You're really quite amazing do you know that? Even in the face of everything that's happened, you can still laugh. I think you'd make an excellent Penguin love, small, immobile and very cute." it was out before he'd actually thought about it and he flushed instantly. "I - I mean - I " he stammered and she put a hand on his arm.

"It's ok, we all say things on the spur of the moment. No offence - or ANYTHING else taken, I promise." she lied with a demure smile, as her mind screamed at her HE THINKS YOU'RE CUTE! "Let's go to dinner, don't know about you, but I'm starving. You'll get to realise that over time, my life revolves around food." This time it was Becky who blushed as she realised the implication of what she'd said.

"Oops, my turn!" was all she said and gently pushed him out the door, "Come on before we both talk ourselves into the biggest hole imaginable!"

Half an hour later, they sat in a lovely little restaurant in the north of the city. It was tiny, only about ten tables, and Becky got the distinct feeling that this was somewhere Tom knew well. When he'd walked in, the waiter had nodded across "Usual table Tom?" then with a smile to her, "Please, follow me." They'd threaded their way to the back of the room, a table for two in a kind of recess. It was private and discrete. They could see the room, but the room would have to turn to see them.

Tom held out her chair and once again, she realised his capacity for chivalry was entirely true. Sitting in the cosy and intimate atmosphere, looking at a menu filled with classic but well made dishes, she dared to let herself hope this might not be the last time they did this.

"So" Tom turned to her once their orders had been taken and drinks brought, "Since we had such a crashingly sudden meeting, so to speak, I think we need to know just a little more about each other don't you?" he toasted her and she raised her sparkling water - painkillers and booze just didn't mix. "Tell me anything I need to know - and everything I don't" he winked "about Becky ..." he paused and a thought struck him "for a start I don't even know your second name!"

Becky swallowed and laughed, almost causing her to choke. It had never occurred to her either. All that had happened the day of the accident was she had exchanged details with Terry for the insurance! Tom had got her address from him, but you didn't need a name for that! "Oh goodness yes, I must seem a bit mysterious eh? Maybe I don't HAVE a second name?" she smiled and looked at him from under her lashes. Then she burst out laughing. "The last thing I am is mysterious Tom, I'm less Cher and more Eyeore!"

Tom almost spat his wine across the table at her as she giggled, "Eyeore? Aww no I think you're more the Tigger type - bouncy and full of mischief!" he winked and she laughed.

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