A Warm Welcome...

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"And watch your step there, ok, now turn.... and down." he lowered her gently onto the sofa and put a little footstool under her feet. "can I get you anything love?  Tea... coffee...  me...?" he winked "Oh no, they said relax, not enjoy yourself ha ha !" She slapped him on the arm.

"Oh Tom! I've just to take it easy, not stop functioning altogether!" she laughed and he walked to the door. 

"I'm just going to see Luke away then I'll be back. You can breathe and blink but THAT'S IT MISSY!" he said with a hard - but amused - stare.

"Yes Boss" she agreed with a smirk and he nodded.

"Don't you forget it!!"

She sat back and looked out the window, the trees across the road seemed to be on fire in the dwindling light of the day.  Sunset had always been a favourite time, it was the forerunner of the dark and mysterious night.  The night that would herald another day of adventure.  Now it would herald another day with Tom.  How could this even be possible? She was bound to wake up sooner or later!

Tom reappeared a few minutes later, shutting the front door with a thud and a sigh.

"What's up?" she gently asked as he flopped onto the sofa next to her.  "Something I need to worry about?"

"Oh Becky no, I'm sorry love. Just a meeting I have in the morning.  They've changed the time to accommodate some of the crew overseas.  We're filming in the Far East in a few months' time.  Just some pre-production stuff, but it means I have to get up at 4am." he winced and looked at her out of one eye "so that means an early night.  And I was so looking forward to watching some tv with you over a glass of wine or three. It's so lovely to have company." he actually sounded sad and she suddenly realised just what a gilded cage his life could be sometimes.

Things other people took for granted, he rarely got to enjoy.  Sitting vegging out on the sofa, having a glass too many of wine then crawling to bed, getting up at a normal time and doing a normal day's work.  Not getting up at 4am then doing a full day then prep for the next day.

"Look, why don't we just order something in tonight as a treat - Pizza or something equally healthy. I have all day tomorrow to make us something for tomorrow night. " She winked "and have a beer - celebrate your first night with a houseguest?"

"Sounds like a VERY good idea to me!" he leapt up and in seconds had run to the kitchen, snagged a takeaway menu and two bottles of some Mexican beer he'd had in the fridge already, then sat back down.  Discovering they agreed on the "pineapple has NO place on a pizza" rule, they studied the menu.  Deciding to order a half and half, pepperoni and veggie, they raised their bottles and clinked the necks together. 

"To accidents and silver linings" she said with a smile.  He nodded and took a swallow.  She felt her eyes drawn to watch and as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down she made a little "oh" sound without realising it.  He didn't stop, but his eyes locked with hers and they glinted  with mischief.

Putting his bottle to the side, he took hers from her and stood it next to it.  Then he turned and took her hand, lifting it and interlinking their fingers carefully.  His eyes never breaking their gaze with hers.  "So" he said at last "So the pizza will take about twenty minutes to get here" he leaned just a little closer, licking his lips and smiling.  He knew exactly the effect he was having on her because it simply mirrored his own feelings towards her. "We have a choice." his voice was soft and low.  His breath shallow and ghosting over her lips as he spoke.

"We do?" she could barely string the words together. 

"Yes, we do." he licked his lips and bit his bottom one just slightly.  She thought she might faint. His thumb rubbed the back of her hand and for a second she looked down, then back her breath catching as she did so.  His eyes were almost black, the vein in his neck, standing proud as his blood pressure rocketed. "We can do a tour of the house..." he paused and looked at her lips then back to her eyes "or..." 

She waited, hardly able to function, the heat of his body so close, the smell of his aftershave, the breath leaving him and caressing her, made her head swim and her stomach tie itself in a tight knot of pure desire. "or?" she repeated, barely audible,

"We could..." his lips were a mere fraction of a hair's breadth from her, the movement of his mouth velvet soft against her lips. "we could..."

"Could..." she mouthed back, their eyes glued to each other. 

Now he gave up speaking, now he just pressed his lips to hers, velvet soft and warm. His free hand slid round the back of her neck and buried itself in her hair.  She felt herself fall into him, a soft moan escaping her as she did so.  He ran his tongue along her lip, teasing, asking, begging for entry.  She opened her mouth and he delved inside, tasting her and letting a groan build in his chest she could feel.  Their hands released, they grasped each other desperately trying to meld themselves into one person.  

His mouth left her lips and moved to her neck, she tipped her head to the side to allow him better access. She felt a soft nip that made her insides clench as he left the smallest of marks where his mouth had been.  Her body began to ache in a whole new way. To ache for him, for his touch.  

"Please Tom" she whispered "please, I need you...." she felt desire like never before.  Taking his hand in hers she guided it to her mouth and took a finger deep inside, sucking on it, her tongue rolling around it.  It made her more aroused than she could ever remember.  Tom bit his lip and groaned loudly.

"Oh dear GOD I want you so much." he said hoarsely. Gently he laid her back and she could feel his hardness pressing into her soft body.  "I want to take you here and now but that's not how it should be" he whispered roughly into her ear. "I want to worship you."

"No.  Later. Let ME love YOU for now." she moved and rubbed herself against him, rewarded with another groan. "I want you Tom, so very much".  With superhuman effort, he pulled himself back and stood up.  Crossing to the window, he tilted the shutters and blocked out the evening.

Crossing back to the sofa, she was sitting up now, waiting for him, lips parted, breathing hard.  She reached out and grabbed his hips, pulling him level with her face. Her fingers got to work loosening his jeans and dropping them and his underwear to his ankles.  Looking up at him, she smiled "Let's see how strong those thighs really are shall we?" she stroked the back of them, coming to rest on his backside, making him shiver in delight.

As she moved him forward, opening her lips to taste him, he tipped his head back and let out a moan of pure desire.  "Oh Jesus Becky, I won't last long, you're too good."   She hummed her approval at his compliment, heightening his exquisite torture, as she pushed him rapidly towards the edge of the cliff.   She slowed her pace, making him relax.  Neither of them wanted this to be over any time soon.

By the time the pizza eventually arrived, Tom was a quivering, panting, mess lying spent and dazed on the sofa, Becky was smiling like a Cheshire cat.  Yes, she thought as she slowly made her way to the door, that was definitely the best housewarmings she could ever remember.  And there would be more.  Oh yes, there would be more.

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