To Have and To Hold

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Becky turned to Luke and smiled.  His face was happy, his eyes not betraying a flicker of the regret she knew was in his head.  He still loved her. He always would. She knew that, but he was here, doing this for her.  She would always cherish him as her best friend and the brother she'd never had.  Better than a brother - he'd never pulled her pigtails or put snails in her shoes.

She closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment.  Just being in the moment.  The sounds, the smells of the flowers, the hushed organ music playing while everyone waited.  Luke took her flowers and laid them to one side as she smoothed out the ivory lace and pearls. 

Her dress was old, genuinely old, having been borrowed from a friendly costume department.  It paid to have friends in high places.  Her 'new' was her shoes, a present from Diana.  Her 'borrowed', apart from the dress, was the tiara. It was the one Tom's elder sister had worn, and her blue?  Well, that was for Tom's eyes and Tom's eyes only.

Feeling like she'd stepped straight out of a Jane Austin novel, she stood tall - for her - and proud. This was the second best day of her life, and now the pain of the first almost a year ago, was a distant memory, she harboured no fear of the third, whenever fate decided that should be. 

"You look beautiful," Luke said and kissed her cheek.  Then he lowered her veil and handed her the flowers. "Come on, your boys are waiting."   

They walked into the church, and the music began.  The little congregation - just a few family and friends stood and turned to watch as they started to walk.  Becky gripped Luke's arm, suddenly overwhelmed and fighting the urge to cry. She managed to keep calm almost to the end of the aisle.

Almost. At that moment, she was lost.  Waiting were the two most handsome men in her life, and she loved them both with all her heart.  As they saw her arrive, one gave a little gasp, and his mouth dropped in awe, the other?  He reached out his hands and giggled, his face all pink with excitement. 

Becky smiled through her tears and kissed them both on the cheek.  Tom passed Billy to Luke, who took his place next to him.  Becky - and Tom - had insisted that the two of them be involved in the ceremony.

Tom took her hand and looked into her eyes, "Darling, I have no words..." he trailed off, his eyes suspiciously bright. He smiled that eye-crinkling, heart filling smile she'd fallen in love with so very long ago.  Her breath caught, and for a moment, she thought she might faint.  Gripping his hand, she swallowed and took a deep breath.

The vicar, used to nervous couples, patiently waited and then, when they turned to face him, began.

"Dearly beloved...."

What seemed like mere seconds later, they were married.  They had exchanged rings and vows. He had cried, she had cried, hell the vicar had even cried. Tom's vows would forever be imprinted in her heart, never mind in her head.  Eloquent, beautiful, heartfelt, and exactly as she imagined, but oh so much more.

Hers had been a VERY emotional declaration. One she would later admit probably should have had subtitles.  Now, though, as they walked out of the church into the sunshine, tears that flowed were soon replaced by smiles and laughter. 

The small reception, in the garden of the hotel they'd re-started their lives in, was a low-key relaxed affair.  A buffet , some drinks, and a local band playing a mix of covers. It was about as un-starry as it was possible to be. The only concession to Tom's life in front of the lens was their wedding photos were taken by the same guy who did the publicity stills for his last film.

To say they looked stunning was an understatement.  Tom always said it was because of the stunning bride. 

Eventually, it was time for them to leave for their honeymoon. Tom wouldn't tell her where they were going. He'd confiscated her passport the minute they'd set a date, and his sister had packed - and locked - her suitcase, giving Tom the key. 

"Come on, Mrs Hiddleston ," he whispered in her ear, "time to get changed."

She excused herself from the small group she'd been speaking to and followed him into the hotel, up to their room. It was "their" room. Mrs Wilson - or Rita as they now knew her - had given it to them specially. 

She'd winked at Becky when they'd arrived to discuss the wedding.  "So, getting used to the idea, MRS Hiddleston?" She'd asked, laughing softly.  "Dont worry, lovie, it was written all over both your faces, but who am I to judge.  Love is love!"

Now, they closed the door behind them softly.  Billy was sleeping in a travel cot, a monitor linked to his Granny's phone. She would be looking after him for the three weeks they would be away, and she always had an army of willing helpers.

Together, they stood and looked at the sleeping bundle of gorgeousness. Tom slipped an arm around her shoulder, and she kissed his hand where it draped down over her.

"Beautiful," she murmured. "Beautiful boy."

"Yeah.  Get's it from his father, you know ! " he smirked quietly, and she swatted his hand.

"Yeah, if he's got your modesty too, then he's definitely a winner, eh?" She looked up at him with a smile. "But yeah, there's a definite resemblance.  Blonde hair.  Blue eyes.  Cheeky smile. "

"Not to mention a winning personality!" Tom sniggered quietly. "But the rest? The important stuff? He gets from you." He kissed her forehead "his intelligence, his compassion, his patience and grace, his beautiful soul. Like I said, all the really important stuff. " he paused then added "not to mention he's gonna break hearts with his good looks. Those he definitely gets from you "

"Well saved Mr H, well saved!" She nudged him in the ribs and he shrugged.

"Don't know WHAT you mean?" He said with mock innocence.

"Maybe not but if I said do you think his sister will be just as blessed, would you know what THAT meant?"

She turned to face him and he stared at her in shock.  "Youre... not... you...?"

She smiled and grasped his hands, "Calm dear, calm. No.  Im not. But I'd like to try to be. We've never discussed it, after all Billy was hardly planned, but think about it ok?"

She kissed him again tenderly.
"Let's get changed love.  We have places to go and things to do.  We don't want to be rushing now do we.  After all, you never know WHAT accidents can happen when you're driving along."

"Indeed not.  Sometimes though, accidents can be truly life changing for all the right reason."

Then he took her in his arms and showed her exactly what those reasons could be.

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