I Can't Feel You

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"Morning darling,"

The voice and the smile lit the room before she even opened her eyes.  She could FEEL its warmth, it's care. Stretching carefully, she looked up to see him standing over her, to-go cup in hand, and kiss primed on his lips.  The kiss planted itself on her forehead as she grabbed the to-go and sank the contents.  Her favourite - Chai Latte.

"Ohhhhhh, that was goooooood, thank you, sweetheart." she lay back on the pillows - their pillows - and sighed contentedly. Tom came and lay beside her, idly running his fingers up and down her arm, just looking at her, drinking in the wonderful sight of the woman he adored.

The guestroom had, unsurprisingly, gone completely unused. 

After the pizza, they had watched a little tv, wrapped in each other's arms.  Tom couldn't remember being happier just to lie on a sofa and cuddle his girl.  And she really WAS his girl.  Their actions, culminating in that brief but oh so hot encounter, had made them both fully aware that this was no passing dalliance.  This was something neither of them had expected, but both of them wanted. This, he decided, was love. Staggeringly soon, completely overwhelming but absolutely right. She was someone he could see in his future.  No, strike that, he thought. She WAS his future.

Now, almost five months later, he watched her get up and dressed as if watching a favourite film replayed daily. Moving slowly and carefully, she dressed and brushed her hair.  Her back was, in truth, fully healed, but she was still anxious. Still, it was a welcome excuse for her to stay.  Not that really they needed an excuse. Tom and Becky were, as everyone could now see, a couple.

Knowing this, added to his growing love for her, he regretted he had to leave her and go to the other side of the world for several months.  Not till June, another two months, but it would be torture.  For the first time, he wished he didn't have to work.  For the first time, something other than the next job, the next part, the next project, was driving him. 

Now, he was driven by the desire to be with Becky.  All the time.  He knew it was perhaps a little unhealthy. No one spends 24 hours a day with anyone else, not unless you're quite literally joined at the hip, but he wanted to see her every day. Kiss her every night. Wake up to her every morning.

What to do? He still had time to think and plan.  Maybe.... a germ of an idea formed, and for now, he filed it under "to do."

"What's on today, love?" He asked as he rolled onto his back, hands behind his head. He stretched out, feeling his muscles relax after his morning run. Becky turned to look at him and smiled.  It never failed, looking at him lying there. She couldn't quite believe how lucky she was.

"We-ell," she began. This was the awkward conversation that she'd been dreading. "I need to go and see my boss and my landlord. My boss wants me to be back full time now and my landlord. Well, it's the annual review."  What she didn't say, what she hardly dared think, was that she might not need her flat anymore?

Tom sat up and held out a hand. "Come here, love." He drew her close and wrapped his arms around her as she sat on the bed between his legs.
"I think it's time we talked, don't you?" He kissed her cheek, and she nodded.

"I really appreciate everything you've done, Tom, thank you. Sharing your home..." she twisted round carefully and kissed him softly."Your bed..." he smiled.

"And my heart. My heart is yours, my love. Always will be. Becky, I know this was always meant to be temporary. You are a strong, independent woman, and I am in awe of how you have coped over the last few months. I don't want you to feel diminished, but..." he paused."I want you to stay. Permanently. Together, here with me." He looked at her, his eyes full of hope, of love, of fear. As if he had anything to fear.

Becky smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes, please?"

Tom was the one to smile now. "Oh darling, thank you.  It will make our separation a tiny little bit easier knowing you're here, waiting for me.  I don't want to go, and I can't wait to be back.  To start the rest of forever with you, my love."

"Forever?" She breathed, her heart pounding, her head swimming. "Forever, forever?"

"Yes." Suddenly, he was overcome with the notion of what he had to do. "Becky?"  He turned and faced her, holding both hands.

"Yes, Tom?" She searched his face, trying to read his expression and failing.  "Wh-what is it?"

"Marry me? Marry me, please? When I come back from Vietnam.  I'll take a year off. We'll travel, we'll see the world together, experience everything together.  Build a life...a family? Together..."

She cried, tears of joy, tears of relief, tears of love. "Yes, yes, a hundred thousand times, yes!" She grasped his face between her hands and peppered him with kisses. "Oh my darling, I love you so much."

"And I? As I said to you that first night, I worship you. I always will... Lean back again, let me love you, " He quoted and pulled back from her kisses and held both her hands, gently kissing them then, still clutching them, leaned in close.

He kissed her rosy lips softly. His lips parted, his tongue running over hers, the feeling sent electric shocks to her core.  She moaned, feeling the familiar fire ignite in the pit of her stomach, and his tongue darted between her open lips. 

She lay back, pulling him with her. Morning be damned, she'd just promised to spend the rest of her life with him, she wanted to celebrate.

She lay deliriously immobile as he tenderly removed her clothes, his lips kissing each part of her as it was exposed. Her back, her shoulders, her breasts, and down, down beyond her stomach to her very core.  As his head dipped between her legs, she cried out in ecstasy, her fingers buried deep in his hair.

As Tom had slowly undressed her again, he'd looked down at her, memorising every curve, every angle, every touch of her body. As he tasted her, he relished the feeling of her soft body under his lips, his hands caressing her. The taste and sound of her desire  filling their room and his mind. He knew he would never tire of committing her to memory.

He didn't - couldn't possibly - know he would have need to. 

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