This is not the end...

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"Time to wake up, Billy..." she shook his shoulder, and he groaned, pulling the quilt tighter around him.

"Nooooooo, it's not school, mum. It's Saturday!" He screwed his eyes tight shut.  Maybe if he pretended not to see her, she wouldn't be there.

"I know Bill, but your mum's right. Up you get. You're off to Granny's.  Uncle Luke will pop by and see you this weekend. I'm sure I told you that?"

At the mention of Uncle Luke, Billy's eyes sprang open, and he threw the covers back. "Ok! Let's go!" He jumped from the bed, fully dressed!

Tom and Becky looked at each other and burst out laughing. Becky held her hands up in self-defense. "He's your son. Nothing to do with me! Obviously, it has your twisted sense of humour!"

"That's my boy!" Tom grinned and laughed.  He scooped Billy up and stuck him on his shoulders. At seven years old, he was getting rather too big for that, especially since it seemed he'd inherited his father's height.

The two of them tottered carefully downstairs and into the kitchen. Breakfast time was as chaotic and fun as it had always been. Tom and Billy, a double act if ever there was one.  For seven short years, Necky gad been outnumbered. That, however, was about to change.

Today, the battle of the sexes was evened up.  Today began a new era in the Hiddleston household.  Unbeknownst to Billy, a little girl was arriving. One that would be settled in by the time her big brother  came home on Sunday.

They'd thought long and hard before agreeing. Would Billy accept her? Would she settle in, ok? Would he see it as a chance to learn and grow, too?

At 9.30, the doorbell rang, and Billy dashed off to answer it.

"Gran!" He jumped up and hugged her tightly. "Im so happy to see you!"

She smiled and hugged him back, "You too, my little soldier. Ready for more adventures?"

"Yes, Granny!" He stood to attention and saluted. "I'll just get my kit." With that, he scampered off upstairs.  Diana walked into the kitchen.

"Does he know?" She asked quietly as she greeted them both with a hug and a kiss.  Tom looked at Becky and then shook his head.

"No, we want her to get peace initially. He'll be too excited."

"Yep, you got that right!" Diana laughed, and they changed the conversation as thunderous little feet approached.

"Come ON, Gran!" He wheedled. "Let's GOOOO!"

They drove off in a flurry of hugs and kisses and promises to behave. Then there was silence. 

Tom and Becky sat down on the sofa and let put a huge breath.

"Phewwwwww. That was the hard bit. Now for the easy bit. " Becky picked up the phone and dialled the number. "Hello? It's Becky Hiddleston, hi! Yes , yes, we are. Is everything ok? We can? Super.  See you shortly. Thanks."  She turned to Tom, who sat, eyes closed just leaning against the cushions.  "Come on love its time!"

"Oh my God, she's beautiful. Oh, Tom, look at her eyes. What a beautiful colour. Is she ready to go?" Becky turned to the woman standing with them. "Can I hold her?"

"There you go, Momma.  She's all yours, congratulations!"

Suddenly, the little bundle in Becky's arms came to life. Her little eyes searched both Becky and Tom's faces. She reached up and proceeded to lick Becky's cheek.

"Molly, you are the cutest little minx I know!" Tom said, reaching out to hold her firmly,"apart from your mother here! Let's take her home, love."

Becky nodded, and they made their way to the car.  In one of the rear seats, a large safety carrier was strapped down. Tom opened the door and placed Molly carefully in it, watching through the bars on the door.

"His first dog. Here's hoping it all goes smoothly." Tom shook his head as they started the journey home. So far, despite many , admittedly, very enjoyable attempts, this was as close as they'd ever gotten to Billy being a big brother.  Fate had seemingly taken the day off when they wished for another baby.

Until now.

Molly was settled in her little basket by the fireplace, the excitement of the journey and the obligatory sniffing the entire ground floor having worn her out.  Now she lay snoring gently as her parents sat gazing at her.

Becky took a deep breath.  One she'd been holding all morning, it seemed.  Letting it out in a whoosh, she wriggled round as she lay in Tom's arms.

"Happy love?" She asked softly. 

"Blissfully." He said without breaking his gaze on Molly. He kissed her head and turned to look at her. "What? There's something up. I can tell. I can read you like a book! You're always like this when you have a secret.  I put it down to Molly, but now I think there's something else..." he looked at her puzzled, his eyebrows knitted together.

"You're right. Im sorry, but I've been keeping a secret. Even from you, till I was sure. But now, it's time to come clean." She sat up, looking more serious than he'd seen for years.  Tom swallowed.

"It's ok, love. Whatever it is, we can get through it together. If you're sick, we can face it together. There's nothing we can't deal with as long as we're together." He paused, and she grinned at him. He looked even more confused.  "Why are you smiling?"

"I have something to show you. Wait there." She climbed off the sofa and went into the kitchen. He heard a cupboard open and shut, then she returned with a little plastic lunchbox.  A pink plastic lunchbox.
She handed it to Tom with a smile.

"Who's is this??" Tom asked."Is this Billy's? Is there something I need to know?"

"Well, I told you once before that I wanted to give him a little sister."

"I know love, but well, " he trailed off with a shrug, then stroked her cheek, "it'll happen one day, darling. I just know it. Then we'll have this to use, eh? It's very pretty." He turned it over in his hands, and it rattled. He looked at her curiously, and she giggled. "Is there something else in here?"

"Maybe you should open it and see?" She smirked, her heart racing.

Tom undid the latch and opened the little box.  His face went from puzzled to blank to outright shock.  Lifting the lid had revealed a small plastic stick was the cause of the rattle.  A small plastic stick with an equally small display window. 

Shaking, he picked it up, looking at Becky.  Her face was wet with tears, and he didn't need to look at the writing to know what it said.  Dropping the box and the stick, he pulled her into his arms, crying like a baby.

"Oh my God, you clever girl!" He sobbed. "Oh my God, you're pregnant." He put a gentle hand on her stomach.

She pulled back, "Yes, yes, we are going to have another baby at last. Im sorry it was so out of the blue. After so long, I'd thought.. "

"Shhhh my darling little Pingu, shhh.  Accidents have been very lucky for us. There's no reason this shouldn't be, too.  I love you darling, I love you with all my heart and soul, you and BOTH our children."

As they looked at each other, the realisation of their dearest wish seemingly fulfilled, they kissed and hugged tightly. 

Becky and Tom had come through so much, endured so much. From now on, with a new chapter finally written? Whatever came their way, they would do the way they always did. Together.

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