Goodbye, Farewell, Adieu....

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"I could say I missed the flight?" He squinted at her as they lay in bed on their final night together. Dinner eaten, dishes done, and a quiet night cuddling on the sofa just talking and watching tv. They'd stayed up as late as they could, not wanting the day to be over.  Not wanting the next three months to begin.  Finally, they'd had no choice.

Now, lying in the dark, they held each other, looking up at the stars.  

"Nah, they'd charter a jet for you - you really are that special, you know! she giggled quietly.

"Am I? To you?  Am I THAT special?" he wriggled a little and looked at her as she smiled.

"Yes, you know you are! Stop fishing!" she swatted him softly and kissed his chest where she lay with her head on it.  His breathing slowed, and he relaxed again. For a moment, Becky thought Tom had fallen asleep, but then he started to speak, softly, almost to himself.

"Doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move.  Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt that I love." his voice rumbled deep in his chest, and she smiled as she listened, a single tear slipping from the corner of her eye.  

"Oh Tom," she whispered, "I love you darling, please come home soon.  I want our forever to start as soon as possible." she stroked his chest as she lay close, memorising the feeling of his skin and hair under her fingers. He shifted slightly and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly to him.

"It already has my love, it already has." he kissed her tenderly."In the morning, we can have an early breakfast together before I have to go."  he sighed deeply, and she felt him relax.

Suddenly, she was overwhelmed by the need to tell him. "Tom?" she said, eyes closed, trying to control her thudding heart "Tom are you asleep?"

"mmmmm?" he said sleepily "whaaaaaa"

She paused. "There's something I need to tell you." 

"S'ok," he murmured. "I love you too," his voice became softer and more incoherent as he drifted off, secure in the knowledge of his love safely held in his arms.

"No, not that," she said, her eyes now popping open. "I need to tell you... I'm pregnant." she held her breath. Nothing.  Not a flicker. "Tom?"

"Mmmm," then a buzz as he snored gently.  He was sound asleep. She smiled to herself.  Never mind.  She would tell him again in the morning. Guilt lifted, she drifted off into her own dreams, wrapped in the arms of the only man she would ever love.  Three months wouldn't be so long after all.

Three months would have been preferable to the life sentence fate was about to hand out.

When Becky woke the next morning, the sun was streaming into the bedroom.  She yawned and stretched out to feel... nothing.  No Tom.  She whipped her head round as she felt his side of the bed cold.  No noise from the shower either.  Sitting up, she looked at her bedside clock, 10.30 am.  WHAT!!!!!

Blessed with a distinct lack of morning sickness after that first week, she leapt out of bed, pulling on her robe and dashed downstairs.

"TOM!" she called out, bursting into the silent kitchen.  He had gone, left her sleeping, and gone.  Part of her was immediately furious, but part knew he wanted to make his parting easier on them both.  God alone knew how she would have coped, closing the door on him.  As she looked round the kitchen, she spotted a note, held on the fridge door by a magnet.  A Loki magnet she'd picked up at a market stall one Saturday morning as she trawled her way round her favourite at Greenwich.

"Just off to the airport love, sorry I missed you. See you tonight on facetime, you can tell me all your news then. Sorry I dozed off, think you wanted to tell me something? Love you always, see you soon xxx"

So light and casual, so very Tom.  Not wanting to make a drama out of their crisis.  She smile. She had plenty to do so tonight would come very quickly.  He would have lots to tell her, a plane journey then a boat journey then on foot to the location.  Apparently,  it was remote but spectacular.  He was living the dream alright.  Exotic locations and beautiful women - Brie was every bit as lovely as she was pretty.  They'd spoken the other day when Tom had called her to check when she was coming out to join him.  He would be there for a week doing some preliminary shots before her. 

She sat at the table then noticed something else, on the worktop next to the kettle where she would be sure to find it. Tom knew her morning routine better than she did it seemed.  A small package.  Crossing over to it, flicking the kettle on, she tore into the soft and squishy present wrapped in colourful paper.

Opening it swiftly, she revealed a small black cuddly Gorilla. She laughed out loud. Only Tom would think of that.  She hugged it tightly and put it in the pocket of her robe, it's little head sticking out.  The first toy for their baby, even if he didn't know it. Gently, she laid a hand on her stomach.  At barely eight weeks, there was nothing to see, but she could feel it.  In her heart, she could feel it.  A boy.  She smiled and made herself some tea.

"Well, little man, your Dad is going to love having you around.  At last, the two of you will be worthy adversaries!" she giggled and walked back upstairs with her tea to dress.  

Tom would be well in the air by now, landing in another nine hours or so, then another three hours to the location.  He would probably call around midnight her time.  No hassle, tomorrow was Saturday, she could sleep in - again - if needs be.  Today was annual leave. She'd known she wouldn't be able to concentrate.  What to do?  What to do for thirteen long hours?

She picked up her phone. "Luke?  You free for lunch ?  I seem to be at a loose end today... what you as well?  Funny that.  Yeah, something to do with a Mr Hiddleston playing at soldiers again.  Yeah, easy life, eh?  Ok, meet you there at one.  Bye."

She put down the phone and smiled.  Luke was turning into her best friend, too.  She had a niggling suspicion he had a soft spot for her but it didn't worry her.  He knew she loved Tom more than anyone or almost anything in the world.  He would never compromise her or him.  The only thing she loved more in the world right now?  Was barely a few centimetres long and had no senses to speak of.  It was, however, the most precious and wonderful thing she would ever be responsible for.  She knew just who to entrust it's secret to.  It's godfather, Luke.

As she dressed and did her hair, she looked in the mirror.  Yep, it suited her, this motherhood thing, she decided.  Fatherhood would suit Tom equally well, she couldn't now wait to tell him.  Tonight was going to be one she would never forget.

That much was true.

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