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"To us." Tom raised his glass of wine, and Becky matched it with hers. In the low light of the restaurant, the merlot glowed ruby red, its warm taste matching its deep colour.

"To us," she echoed, taking a sip. The wine slid smoothly down, warming on its way, firing not just her appetite. She looked at Tom, his eyes glittering dark, full of love and something else. Desire.

As they'd sat, eating their meal and chatting, Becky could feel it increasing. The tension. Not a fight brewing, something else. Something far more intimate.

Every now and again, she would catch Tom just looking at her. Watching her, his lips slightly parted, his breathing slow and steady as he tried to calm his racing heart. God, she was so beautiful. He wanted her so damn much. He knew she still felt a little self-conscious about her body after Billy, but quite frankly? To him, every mark, every curve, made her all the more sexy. Tonight, he would show her exactly how sexy.

"Penny for them?" She said with a smile, "If you want to stare at me, be my guest, but could you wait till I've had my desert?" Tom blushed and laughed softly.

"Im sorry. Just can't help it. You're just so..." he paused and took a spoonful of his eton mess, letting it melt in his mouth, eyes closed in bliss. He licked his lips, slowly opened his eyes, and then said hoarsely, "hot."

Inside, part of her burst into flames.
She wanted him so badly that she could almost taste it.

Two, she decided could play at that game. Looking him dead in the eye, she took spoonful of pudding and sucked it from the spoon. She closed her eyes and pulled the spoon out slowly with a small 'pop'. Opening her eyes, she licked her lips, watching his reaction. She wasn't disappointed. By the time she'd taken three spoonfuls, Tom was virtually panting.

He put down his spoon and sat back. Resting one hand flat on the table, he rubbed the fingers of the other one over his lips, pulling slightly on the bottom one. Then he slid his hand down and adjusted his shirt, pulling it tightly down, buttons straining as he tucked it into the waistband of his trousers. He shifted in his seat, and despite the tablecloth covering him, she knew he'd spread his legs under the table, openly dominant.

Her breath caught, and she had to bite her lip to stop a desperate moan slipping out. Slipping her shoe off, she ran her foot up the inside of his leg till she reached his crotch. He stared at her, eyes widening as she roamed higher and higher. She stopped short and he let out a breath.

"You naughty girl," he whispered, his pupils like inky black pools, "you naughty, naughty girl." His voice was low and husky, adding fuel to her already raging fire.

"Well, I learned from the best. And you are definitely the... best." She replied, the words dripping like honey from her tongue. "I'm so... hot now." She took a drink of her icewater and a drip from the glass fell on her chest where her blouse was unbuttoned. The sharp chill made her gasp slightly, and Tom could see through the thin material of her blouse the effect it had. He breathed in sharply and almost slammed his hand on the table.

"Room, now!" He said quietly as he stood. She smiled and stood with him, waiting till he'd signed the bill. Then, agonisingly slowly, she took his hand and walked up the stairs to their room.

As she led him by the hand along the corridor, she never took her eyes off his. Reaching the door, she fumbled for the key and he took his chance. Grabbing her from behind, he almost slammed her into the door with the force he kissed her neck. She moaned out softly and turned the key in the lock.

They almost fell through the door as it opened. Twisting in his arms, she turned to face him, lips instantly joined with his. Closing the door with his foot, he grabbed her and lifted her bodily into the room, his mouth pressing to hers, his tongue eagerly searching it's warm void.

"Jesus Becky, you're so fucking hot. I just wanted to take you right there on that dining table. Fuck you so hard, right in front of everyone, so they know exactly how fucking hot you are. You made me want you so much I nearly spilled it at the table. I'm so hard for you baby. So fucking hard."

The explicit filth now pouring out of his mouth was a shock to both of them. But a real turn on. Becky had never thought of Tom like this and oh boy was it driving her wild.

"What else?" She said into his ear as her hands raked his chest through the flimsy fabric. "Tell me lover, tell me what you want." Her breath was hot, her desire obvious. "Make me wet."

"Fucking Hell Becky, I want to strip you and fuck you and make you scream my fucking name." He growled at her, and she moaned loudly. She grabbed his hand and shoved it between her damp thighs,

"Do it. Fuck me Tom. Fuck me now."

So he did. It was raw, it was passionate and it was dirty. There was no "making love" involved. This was pure sex. A release in every sense. Letting go of the remnants of his past anxieties, letting go of any self image issues she still had. Letting go of everything but the need to feel each other.

Later he left her lying in the wrecked sheets and ran her a bath. Filling the tub with bubbles and lighting the candles, he came back through and gently carried her to the little oasis he'd created.

Setting her gently into the water, he slid in behind her. Softly, he kissed her shoulder.

"Thank you my love." He said softly, washing her with a velvet soft sponge. "For everything. You k ow I love you. That was very, very far from how I thought we would be, but I love you. Even in my wildest passion, remember I love you." He kissed her now softly scented skin, almost like some kind of prayer.

"No, thank you, Tom," she said, leaning back and kissing his arm where it wrapped around her. "Thank you for showing me how I think I look doesnt colour how you see me. You make me feel so safe, so wanted. No matter how bad I look." She rested her head on his arm and breathed out softly.

Tom sat upright, gently turning her around. "How you think you look matters alot to me my darling. A great deal. And do you know why? Because you have NEVER looked more beautiful. I want you to see it too."

He ran a finger down her cheek. "Every mark, every line, every beautiful inch of your wonderful body fills me with awe. How it nurtured and carried our beautiful boy. How it fills me with desire and pleasure every time I'm with you. The sight of your beautiful curves reminds me every day how much you mean to me. As a mother, yes, but ultimately as my lover. You will always be my lover. Even when we're old and grey you will still be beautiful.

He kissed her tenderly and she she sighed into the kiss. "I love you so much. You make me feel so special and so loved Tom." She kissed him, her hands framing his face, holding him close. "Love me Tom, make love to me. I'm yours and always will be."

He finished washing her, then dried her carefully, wrapping her in a large fluffy towel. He scooped her into his arms with a lingering kiss.

This time, when they laid in bed together, it was pure love. Tom worshipped her, every inch of her. Where before there had been lewd and desperate assertions, this time it was whispered declarations of love.

His mouth was filled this time not with filth, but love. As his lips moved against hers, sweet affirmations dancing over skin, she cried. Tears of joy. As they lay limbs tangled together, bodies close and hearts closer, she thought she would never be happier.

She was, happily for her, so very wrong.

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