Making Up is better...

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He slammed her against the wall, mouth latched onto he neck, hands cupping her backside. She moaned out loudly , the wave of desire coursing through her with every thrust.

She'd been waiting in the hall when he got home. Standing on the stairs, dressed in his shirt - and only his shirt. Open bar a ciuple of buttons, he couple see her nipples hard through the soft fabric. As soon as he opened the door and walked over to her, she'd grabbed him. Clutching his face between her hands, pressing her mouth to his, her tongue had snaked between his surprised lips.

"What..." he'd started to say.

"Shut up and fuck me Tom" she'd hissed, "fuck me... hard."

Astonished, breathless and oh so turned on, he'd happily obliged. Hurriedly dropping his trousers as he kissed her hungrily, he'd picked her up as she wound her legs tightly around him. He knew she was naked under his borrowed shirt, she wouldn't have wasted time on underwear.

"There..." he slammed into her, making her cry out."Better?" He roughly sucked and bit her bottom lip as he kissed her, bruising it as she raked her nails down his back.

"Fuck... yes..." she breathed, arching to meet every thrust. "So...much ... fucking... better..." incoherent and gasping with every movement, he quickly pushed them towards the edge of the cliff. He growled ferally as he searched for the reconciliation they so desperately needed. The feeling of her clawing at his body and moaning, her walls tightly clenching around him, making him feel safe and desired once more.

She couldn't get close enough, rubbing herself against him as he pinned her to the wall. Her breath hot in his ear as she begged him to make her cum in whispered moans, and as he shuddered his release, cried out his name as they fell into the abyss together.

Panting and smiling, back to her usual self, they disentangled their bodies, and he set her down gently. Holding her, he stroked the dishevelled hair out of her eyes, kissing her tenderly.

"Hi Pingu," he said softly. "Glad to see me after all, eh?"

"Always darling." She smiled and blushed. His girl was back, the rampant tigress hidden away again. "I'm sorry about before, I ..."

"Shhhh darling, it's ok. I'm sorry, too." He looked at her, and she had the sparkle of tears in her eyes. His heart melted, as always, when he looked at his love. "Tell you what, though..." he paused and smiled. "If arguing with you ends like this every time..." she swatted him playfully.

"Don't you go there, Mr!" She laughed."You're lucky I wasn't waiting with a rolling pin after what you said!"

"But we don't own a rolling pin, love!" He scooped her up in his arms and carried her through to the bedroom.

"That, my dear Thomas, is what you think!" She winked and kissed his cheek. He dropped her on the bed, making her squeal and laugh.

"Now you lie there, wifey, and do as you're told while I change." He commanded with a raised eyebrow.

"And if I refuse?" She scrambled to her knees and stayed there, hands on hips, defiantly laughing.

"Oh my dear little Pingu, then I think you're going to need more than a rolling pin to defend yourself...." laughingly, he lauched himself at her.

They lay on the bed, him looking down at her, his eyes full of love for his darling girl. "I really AM sorry darling, you know that dont you? I would never hurt you for the world."

"Oh Tom, i know that, sweetheart. Im sorry too, I got a little overwrought. Im just worried about you going away. Im going to miss you, darling, more than you'll ever imagine."

In her head, she wanted to tell him, she really did. But it wasn't fair she decided, not when he was about to leave for so long. He would worry about her, not what he was doing. And, to be truthful, she was a little scared too. It was too soon. What of their plans? What if he felt cheated out of his great adventure.

"Oh my sweet little Pingu, I'll be back before you know it. And we have facetime and calls and maybe you could come out to see me later on?" He smiled and kissed her "now, in the meantime, are you going to be a good girl and make your man his meal, see to his every need and act like a proper little wifey should?" He grinned, eyebrow arched and challenging.

"What do YOU think?" She wriggled out of his grasp, and he growled at her, lighting that all consuming fire again.

"Oh, woman!" He sighed as he pulled her back and began to ravish her, "looks like you're in for a long lesson then...." his mouth descended on her neck, and she arched towards him.

As she closed her eyes in bliss, she decided she would keep quiet for now. They had all the time in the world.

So she thought.

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