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"You're bloody right he will - what the Sam Hill are you doing crying on my kitchen floor with my little Pingu?"

As Becky collapsed in his arms, Luke saw a ghost standing in the doorway. A 6'2", thin pale and bearded, but very VERY solid ghost.

"Jesus wept where have YOU been!!" Luke let rip in complete shock.

Tom walked in and crouched down, scooping Becky from Luke's arms with a grin. Luke scrambled to his feet, and the three of them went into the living room.

"What the hell? Where? How? Fucking hell Tom!" Luke scrabbled for words, ANY words to make sense of the situation.

"Sorry man, all in good time, I promise." Tom smiled at him again, this time warmly, like greeting a brother. He laid Becky on the sofa. She was beginning to stir.

"Darling... Becky..." he stroked her face with one hand, holding hers in the the other gently. "Darling, it's me." He knelt beside her, tears running down his cheeks. Luke stood back, letting them have space, his mind reeling, his heart pounding. His friend, his BEST friend, was back from the dead. After a year of nothing, just walked back into his home like he'd been at the shops all this time.

There would be so many questions, so much for them ALL to say, but now? Now, they had to cross just one enormous bridge. A bridge that was currently sleeping but could wake at any minute.

Becky stirred and opened her eyes. As she saw Tom, she sat bolt upright, eyes wide in terror and backed away into the sofa. She was losing her mind, she had to be.

"No, no, no, no..." she shook her head. "You're not real. You can't be." she covered her face with her hands "Luke make it stop, please, make it stop!"

He simply smiled at her and grasping her hands, raised them to his lips. As the warmth and delicate feel of his kiss seeped into her panicked mind, she began to realise he was very VERY real indeed.

She started to gasp and shake, convulse even, trying to keep her mind from going black again. "You.. you're... what ... oh, oh GOD ...TOM!!!!" she wailed and threw her arms around him, howling like a child. In a second, he was sobbing, too. Luke slipped out of the room and sat on the stairs, head in hands, tears running down his face. Mostly of joy, some of relief, a few of self-pity.

"I'm back, my love, I'm back. I'm never, ever, leaving you again." He held her close, his arms enveloping her, his face buried in her hair. It's scent as familiar and comforting as he had dreamed it would be. This was the memory that had sustained him through his darkest days. This was the feeling he had survived on, despite everything. She had no way to know it - yet - but she had saved his life so many times.

"What happened to you?" She whispered, running her fingers over his now razor-sharp cheekbones. "We thought... they said... I didn't believe...I never believed..." her eyes roamed his face, taking in every minute detail. Her fingers touched his face like a blind person touches to see. Gently, every curve, testing and savouring the feeling.

"Kidnap." Was all he said, resting his forehead on hers, drinking in her presence. "I promise to tell you, but not now. Now, I just want to hold you and..."

He was silenced by a cry.

A small but feisty cry. His eyes snapped open and he sat bolt upright. His face was the dictionary definition of shock. He looked at the ceiling towards the noise, then at her, and she smiled. The most beautiful smile he had ever seen. His mind screamed at him.

She rested a hand on his cheek. "Someone wants his Daddy." She said softly, smiling.

"His mouth moved but no sound emerged, just a silent question?"

"Almost six months." She smiled again, his face was a picture of terrified but hopeful confusion. " he...Luke's?" He finally croaked, scared to even voice it. To his reeling mind, but not common sense, it would explain Luke's presence. It never occurred to him that Luke didn't actually live here. She shook her head, a smile flirting with the corners of her mouth. She stroked his forehead, eyes locked on his reassuringly.

"Maths was never your strong point, was it dear?" She teased gently. She kissed him softly and wiped the tears. It was irrelevant to her that he'd even contemplated her being with Luke, she knew that really didn't matter. It would never matter.

For a moment, Tom looked at her, then it began to click.

"Six...a mean you were..."

"I was pregnant when you left. Two months. I was going to tell you when I came to see you. That's why I had the meltdown when you said I couldn't. I didn't want to have you worrying the entire shoot. That was my news, my last minute news. Keeping it from you was the hardest and now I realise , stupidest, thing I ever did." She was crying again now, this time hot, guilty tears. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry my darling."

"It's ok, little Pingu." her breath hitched at his pet name, after so very long. He kissed away her tears. "I'm here now." At that, the door opened, and Luke stood at the door, a bundle of blankets in his arms, a broad smile on his face.

"Tom?" he crossed to where they sat as Tom watched, his face a picture of amazed joy. "Billy, this is your dad. Tom meet your son, William Luke Hiddleston." He handed the squalling baby over to his mother and kissed Becky's cheek.

"I'll be going for now. Tom, see you tomorrow. I'll come over in the afternoon. We'll have all the time we need to talk then. For now? I'm just so glad you're home, man. I missed you. We all did."

Tom and Luke hugged tightly then Luke left, closing the door softly. Part - the greater part - of him was overjoyed that his friend was back, but a tiny, truthfully sad, little piece of his heart would still always belong to Becky. Still, at least he could be happy knowing she was too.

The little family sat in the living room. Becky held Billy in her arms, Tom sat next to her just examining every millimetre of his son. His eyes were filled with tears as he counted every perfect finger, every tiny toe. He bit his lip as he watched the huge blue eyes respond to the sound of first Becky's, then his voice. Billy began to squirm and grizzle in her arms.

Becky felt her heart was about to burst she was so happy. This was a day she had feared would never come. "Take him." She said quietly, "he needs his Daddy. " she made to pass him to Tom.

"Are you sure? I might do something wrong. Won't he be scared by me? By my strange voice?" He almost whispered, he was desperate to hold him, yet terrified to do so. Terrified to break this perfect little human their perfect love had made.

"No, he knows your voice. I'm pretty sure his first words will be either poetry or Shakespeare. You Tube is a wonderful thing, love!" She giggled softly, and it sounded like music to his ears. "Speak to him... Daddy" she paused, letting the new title sink in, "it doesn't matter what. Just let him hear you."

As Tom took his son in his arms, he looked at her, then Billy, then back to her. Standing up, he walked to the window, now filled with stars as the evening had turned to night. What to say... he took a breath.

"Bright star... would I was steadfast as thou art..." he began, and Becky sat, tears flowing. Her perfect moment.

Little did she know that there was a more perfect one just around the corner.

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