Just the Two of Us

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"You are a complete nutcase. Do you know that Tom Hiddleston?" she laughed as they strolled back to the car with their ice creams. "A rip roaring lunatic!" he took a large bite of ice cream, dribbling some down his beard and laughed.

"Crazy for you, love, just crazy for you!" he linked his free hand with hers as they walked, and they relished the feeling of their closeness. Becky rolled her eyes nonetheless. 

"What?  Is your ice cream Cheddar flavour?  Edam?" she sniggered."You must be getting the extra cheese from SOMEWHERE!!" 

"Oh, you cheeky little penguin!" he exclaimed."I'm trying to be romantic, and you're teasing me!" he pretended to be hurt, his bottom lip sticking out in a pout. She laughed all the harder. Now his pout turned to an evil glint. "Ohhhh, my pet," he started to turn to her, eyes narrowed and a familiar voice echoing in her ears. "My little Midgardian thinks she can laugh at her prince, does she?  There will be consequences little one." he paused and nodded."Oh yes.  There WILL be consequences!" he said the last bit so quietly, in such a low growl, that she stopped and stared, open-mouthed, almost panting.

Tom took his chance.  "Starting with this!" and he dobbed his ice cream on the end of her nose with a loud laugh."LOKI'D!!!" he cackled and ran to the car. 

Becky stood in the carpark and just stared after him.  "Oh, Hiddleston!" she shook her head."You are sooooooo dead, you know that?  Sooooooo dead!" she raced after him.

They laughed and gasped for breath and finished their ice creams as they sat in the car, watching the waves crash.  Eventually, ice cream done, and faces wiped, they calmed down.  Tom turned to her, took her hand, and kissed it.  "Thank you, Pingu."

"What for?"

"For reminding me how to love life. You are truly special.  No wonder I love you."  he kissed her hand again. "Now, buckle up, time for our adventure.  Billy is staying with my Mum for the weekend. For two whole nights and days, we are free agents. Just you and me. To have fun."

"But I don't have a toothbrush! Or clean pants! or.." Tom leaned over and silenced her with a firm kiss.  

"Darling," he whispered in her ear. "Where we're going?  You won't need pants!" he pulled back and winked.  As he started the car, she blushed and smiled.

"Oh, Mr Hiddleston, I do believe you're trying to take advantage of me!"

"And if I am?" his eyes glittered darkly, his pupils wide.

"Oh, I really do hope so.  I really do, " she answered in a low voice, her hand sliding over his thigh. He groaned and set off. 

"Not while I'm driving you minx!"

They pulled up outside the country hotel a couple of hours later.  It was small, probably only about ten rooms, a small dining room, a public bar, and a beer garden.  All natural stone and ivy, it looked like something out of a romantic novel.

"How did you know about this place?" she asked as he helped her out the car.  He smiled and winked,

"I've always had this little place up my sleeve.  I saw it a few years ago while I was visiting relatives not too far away. I always thought it would be just the place to bring my wife. " he stopped and looked at her, "and God knows, but for the lack of that final ring, that's what you are my darling."

"Oh, Tom!" she could hardly speak. In those few words, he had said more about their relationship than a field of flowers or a library of poetry ever could. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. 

"Come on, little one, time to be us.  Not Tom and Becky, not Mum and Dad, just You and Me.  Anonymous and alone.  Alone together."  they walked in hand in hand. If the woman on reception - a friendly, older lady, who introduced herself as Mrs Wilson -  recognised him, she didn't give it away.  She even said, "Mr and Mrs Hiddleston," like it was the most natural thing in the world.  Becky and Tom glanced at each other, and Becky blushed. If Tom wasn't going to say anything, neither was she.

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