A Pain in the Neck

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"Please, it's just straight ahead, into the kitchen if you dont mind? " she walked after him slowly, partly because she still ached and partly because she was too busy trying to get her brain to make both her legs and her mouth work at the same time. With Tom Hiddleston (and from where she stood his infamously hot rear)not only in sight but IN HER HOUSE, this was NOT an easy task.

Reaching the kitchen first, he put the flowers in the sink, the gifts on the table, and turned to help her sit. Reaching out, he gently took both her hands and guided her to a chair.

Carefully lowering her, he smiled, not releasing her hands. "I am so sorry to barge in on you, darling, but I just couldn't settle till I'd seen you were ok for myself. And from what I can see, you're very far from ok." He sat on the chair next to her, making her heart race and her breath falter.

"I'm ...I'm ok...at least I will be in a couple of days. Maybe a week?" She said hopefully, squishing her face into a smiley grimace. "It's me who owes you an apology, Tom. I mean, Mr Hiddleston." She realised she'd automatically fallen into the trap of familiarity already.

"No, please, Tom is exactly right. Since I smashed up your beautiful little car and your equally lovely neck, " he winked,"I think we're well beyond formality, dont you?"

She smiled and nodded with a forgetful wince, "oww, yes, probably! I REALLY need to stop doing that, " she laughed. "Thanks for the flowers. They're so pretty. Honestly, you didn't need to, but thank you, it's very kind. Oh, and thanks for the cat!" She burst out laughing. "I think that's about as close as I want to get to one for quite a while!"

Tom let out his signature "ehehehe" and smiled devilishly, making her insides twitch. "From what Terry told me, even in the face of disaster, you had a naughty sense of humour. I decided to test just how naughty!"

Becky felt herself blush and looked away, down at her hands, still she realised, in his. She looked up again, and he was smiling at her, head on one side.

"Hmm? Have I said something wrong?" He asked quietly, not breaking her gaze.

"You're.. we're.. still holding..." she said, hardly daring to break the moment she'd give a lifetime to repeat.

"So we are." He said, not moving an inch. "So we are." He smiled again, and for a moment, they just sat. Was she hallucinating? Was he looking at her as if... "Would you like something darling?" He asked, and for a split second, she wasn't sure exactly what he meant. He looked her dead in the eye, and she could have sworn his pupils dilated just a fraction. Then he blinked and added, "To drink , I mean, would you like me to make you a tea or something?"

"Yes, yes, please, I seem to have let mine go cold." She said quietly, reigning in the screaming fangirl inside.

"You go and relax, Becky. I'll bring it through. Don't worry, I'll find everything I need."

"Tom?" She turned and stopped at the kitchen door.

"Yes, love?"

"I don't mean to be rude, but don't you have somewhere to be today? I mean, you must be busy? You're well, YOU!" she said with a tentative shrug.

" Yes, Becky, I do. I need to be here with you, making it up to you for destroying your car and hurting you. Please, will you let me try?"

"Oh, Tom!" She felt her heart leap in her chest and smiled. "Really, it's ok, these things happen, but I can't say it's not lovely having you here. Lovely and just a tad surreal!"

"Well, you go and sit down, carefully mind, and we can talk more over our tea." He shooed her from the kitchen, and she went and sat down. As she listened to him potter in the kitchen, not for the first time that morning, she wondered if she was dreaming.

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