Chapter 6

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"Hear the song playing on background

All alone but you're turning up now"

 Louis’ POV

 “I recognize you.” the big, rough man told me and I almost shuddered at his cold voice. I nodded weakly, I knew him too, he had been the first person who I had ever sold my body to. He was my first tim and it had been awful. I had thought I would never have to meet him again, but here he was.

I could feel his eyes on me and I wished more than ever that Stan would’ve been around, but he had his therapy session now. I felt uncomfortable with the way Josef, as I soon learned his name was, practically eye-raped me.

“You’ve grown since last.” he finally said and I nodded once again. He sat down next to me in the small couch. Josef sat closer to me than a normal person would have. He lent closer to me and whispered. “I have what you like but first you have to give me what I want.”

I looked at him wide-eyed. He had it? How? How could he possible got it into this place?

“You have?” I asked with raised eyebrows and he nodded before he stood up and signed that I should follow, which I did. He led me through corridors in the big mansion before he stopped outside a room. He opened the door and walked in, me slightly behind.

The room was just as mine, except that his was messier and it stank of something I couldn’t identify. The room had white walls and a brown wall-to-wall carpet. The bed was unmade and had the same greyish duvet covers as mine.

“So, do we have a deal?” he asked and I looked into his dark brown eyes.

“I want to see it first.” I said with a clear voice and he gave me an evil grin. He then took away a bit of the carpet and took away a part of the hard wood floor that must have been movable. It was under that, I could almost feel the taste already. I felt the connection, wanting me to have it, needing me to have it.

“Do we have a deal?”


I woke up feeling like I hadn’t slept at all, I was sweating and my body was sore from the uncomfortable bed. I felt restless and the urge to smoke was here again, I tried to breathe deeply but ended up panting. It had been years sinceI last smoked but my body was still craving it after dreams like these.

I looked over at the clock 4 AM what a great time to wake up, or not. But I would not be able to fall asleep again, that was a thing I knew for sure. I sat up in the bed trying to get the images from my dream to go away, but they seemed to be stuck inside my head. The dream, or the memory was from my first year at this place and I still remember everything. I remember how it looked, how it smelled and how I felt.

I went out of ‘my room’ without another thought. I walked out to the garden and sat down by my favorite spot, right under the big oak. The sun was rising and the birds started to wake up. I sighed and rested against the tree and closed my eyes. I sat like that for a long while before I heard footsteps coming closer. I opened my eyes and saw Harry walking towards me.

The sun had now risen and it must be around 6 AM or something like that. Harry smiled at me and sat down. His hair was curlier than usual and his eyes seemed to be brighter.

“Hi, have you been sitting here for a long while?” he asked and I shrugged. Harry sighed and closed his eyes. He had a peaceful look on his face and his whole body was relaxed. I wondered what he was doing up so early and especially what he was doing outside. I finally got up my courage.

“What are you doing here?” the question sounded accusing and I immediately regretted it. Harry opened his eyes and smiled at me.

“I could ask you the same.” He said and raised an eyebrow.

“Couldn’t sleep.” I muttered and looked up to the sky. It was a long time since I slept over four hours, I mostly slept around two per night.

“Same here.” Harry said and I looked up and met his green eyes. They weren’t as bright as before and concern filled them now. I bit my lip and tried to look away but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. His gaze was just so intense and it was like my body stopped working right there. “C’mon we should probably go inside and eat breakfast now.”

I cringed at the word breakfast. My stomach shut down completely and I felt slightly nauseous just by hearing the word. Breakfast.

“Uhm…You can go I’ll sit here for some longer.”

“But we have school today, you can’t be that old.” Harry said with a small laugh.

“I’m not, I’m turning nineteen, but I have to shower before I…uhm…go to school.” I said and Harry’s smile dropped.

“You don’t want to eat with me, you don’t have to lie to me Louis. I understand.” Harry said and my heart dropped.

“No! It’s not like that, I just don’t eat breakfast. Ever.” I said and Harry looked concerned again.

“Like never? Why not?” he asked and I shook my head.

“I just can’t bring anything down in the mornings and if I do it only comes up.” I answered and shrugged.

“Okay, but I guess I’ll see you later then. Bye Lou.” Lou? Did he call me Lou? I waved at Harry before I went to my room. He called me Lou. Lou. Lou, just like my parents had before my mum died. 

A/N: Okay, so I've put a small part of a lyrics on the top of (almost) every chapter...from chapter 3 there's a part of this song from now on. Hope you like it!

/Agnes :)

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