Chapter 15

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"They're gonna push

until you give in, say when"

Louis’ POV

Laying on my bed with Harry’s arms around me felt better than I ever thought it would have. I had his front pressed against my back and the warmth and safety he gave me was the greatest I had felt since I was a little kid. The duvet was lying under us and light slipped through the window. Harry was humming slightly in my ear and I smiled at the melody. It was a song I actually recognized. The Home let us listen to music and watch movies and stuff every now and then. Coldplay had always been a big favorite in the house and I loved them. Their songs were all so deep and beautiful. Harry stopped humming and sang instead softly making chills go through my body. His voice was so perfect. Without really thinking I joined him quietly in the chorus.
“Your skin, Oh yeah your skin and bones, Turn into something beautiful, You know, you know I love you so, You know I love you so.” we kept singing softly and it just felt so good. Everything felt good. Sure, Harry and I still had to talk about Josef and the rest of my past and Harry didn’t talk to Niall, Liam or Zayn but it didn’t matter now. Right now it was just Harry, our voices and I who mattered. “Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And all the things that you do.”
“I didn’t know you could sing, Louis.” Harry said when we ended the song. I shrugged, I had never really had a chance to sing or to know if I was good or not. I hadn't really thought about it. I just sang when I had felt like it, mostly in the shower or when I was alone

“Neither did I, but really Harry you should at least try to become a singer ‘cause your voice is amazing and I think it would suit you very well.” I said and closed my eyes. Why was Harry so comfortable? How did he succeed with that? And his singing voice, it was plain perfection. He could become something big one day if he tried.
“Thank you…hey are you falling asleep on me?” he asked and I nodded sleepily, I was really tired. “C’mon Louis, I want to be able to talk with you” he sighed and I smiled slightly and shook my head.
“I’m tired.” I murmured. Harry was quiet for a while and I thought he actually would let me sleep until he started to tickle me. I’d love to say that I laughed and took it all very good. But I was not really okay with people tickling me so I let out a way too girly scream and kicked my wild around me. Harry stopped tickling me and I heard him do a low grunt. I turned around to face him and he was covering his private area. All sleepiness vanished from me and I blushed hard.
“Oh shit! Are you alright?” I asked trying not to let a small laugh slip. Harry on the other hand didn’t even try to hold his laugh as he nearly peed himself in my bed. I shook my head at him with an amused look.
“Oh my god, your scream when I tickled you!” he managed to say between his laughs and I felt myself blush even more.
“I hate getting tickled!” I defended and Harry kept laughing.
“I noticed when you kicked me straight in the balls! By the way, nice aimed.”
“Yeah you know I’ve always been a bit of a ball kicker.” I joked and winked at Harry. I could almost swear I saw him blushing. I bit my lip and sat up on the bed, Harry following my suit.
“Are you ready to talk a bit now?” Harry asked changing the topic and I sighed.
“Sure, ask anything. I’ll try to answer.”
“Okay…uhm…did you really smoke Meth? Isn’t that like the worst drug ever?” he asked after a while and I bit harder down my lip.
“It’s not the worst but it has some creepy side effects but I didn’t really take so much at the time…but like you could hear your heartbeat in your head and the biggest reason I took it was ‘cause it prevented hunger, pain and tiredness. It removed all those feelings which made it easier to live on the street.”
“Have you ever over dosed?” Harry asked and I shuddered.
“Once or twice but both times I got ‘Meth bugs’ it’s like a hallucination that makes it feel like there’s bugs or something crawling in your skin so you more or less scratch away the skin. Worst feeling ever, just saying.” I said thinking back to when I had got it the first time and panicked in my ‘house’. I had been fourteen and hadn’t known how much to take or what effects I might get. So when it felt like something was crawling under my skin I think it was pretty normal to panic. I shuddered, it was so creepy and just ugh. Never again.
“Ugh, disgusting. Have you always lived on the streets or have you had a real home and family? You don’t have to answer I understand if that’s personal and so.” should I tell him? He already knew this much so why not.
“I had a family including a mum, dad and four sisters. But when my mum gave birth to the twin girls she died. I was six then. About a year later my dad started to abuse me and when I was thirteen I finally ran away. But when I was sixteen a man from the staff found me so here I am.” I explained and Harry shook his head and hugged me tight.
“Why is this world so unfair?” he whispered and I hugged him back.
“Because that’s life.” I answered and Harry sighed deeply. Life was never easy to understand, never been and will never be.

A/N: So here it is, Chapter 15! I hope you all enjoyed it and the song they sang is on the side. one of my all time favorites :) Lots of love

/Agnes :)

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