Chapter 21

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"Say when and my own 
two hands will comfort you 
tonight, tonight."

Harry's POV

"Louis please, open the door. Talk to me, I'm sorry!" I said desperately as I stood outside Louis' door the morning after Niall's and I's fight. 
Suddenly the door swung open and reviled a glaring Louis. His left cheek had a dark red bruise and I couldn't help myself from start crying right then and there. Everything just came flooding to me, from the day I told my parents I was gay, to the day my stepdad first hit me, to the day I came here and to yesterday when I hit both Niall and Louis. I was none better than my dad.
"If you're trying to get my pity by crying then it's not going to work." Louis said coldly and I sniffed before I took a deep breathe to calm myself.
"I'm not, I'm just really sorry about yesterday and I just want you to know that I never meant to hurt you! I'm so so sorry Louis, please forgive me." I pleaded and Louis bit his lip.
"Whatever." he sighed and without thinking I pulled him into a hug. He sighed again but this time a happier sigh. I cried a bit more on Louis' shoulder before he asked me to come inside so he could shut the door. I obeyed and sat down on his bed while I used my hand to dry my wet eyes.
Louis looked a bit hesitant when he sat down on beside me and I sniffed slightly. The bruise on his cheek wasn't too bad but it was a reminder to me of what I had done. I hit the one I cared the most of. I hit Louis just like my stepdad had hit me. And I hit Niall too, because I got mad at him. I was even worse than my dad! My stepdad had a reason to hit me, he didn't like me and he was against the fact that I liked guys. He couldn't help that he was homophobic just as much as I could change that I was homosexual. It was not his fault, really.
"What are you thinking so deeply about?" Louis asked and gave me a tired smile. It was obviously faked and I felt like screaming more apologies to him.
"I uhm...nothing." I said and sighed. I just didn't feel like telling him right now, he wouldn't understand. He just wouldn't.
"Okay." it was clear that he didn't believe me, not that he should. I did lie after all.
I glanced at Louis and saw him looking at me with his blue eyes. His eyes seemed to be a bit more dull than usual and I couldn't stop the guilt forming like a stone in my stomach.
"I'm sorry." I whispered and Louis rolled his eyes.
"I know you are and so am I, so let's just skip this part and move on like it never happened." Louis suggested and even thought it sounded very tempting I couldn't just move on.
"You can't just run from your problems. You have to face them."
"It has worked so far so why not Mr Styles?" it then clicked for me.
"Has it really worked though, running from your problems?" I asked and Louis gulped. "If it had worked that way, you wouldn't be here. You've always ran away from your problems Louis, but you can't run from your past. It will reach you sooner or later and when it does it'll be harder to keep going than it would have been if you talked and took care of them from the beginning. It's time to stop running Louis."
Louis studied his hands for a moment before he looked up at me with a glint in his eyes. 
"How?" was all he asked before he snorted. "You make it sound so freaking easy Harry. But it isn't. Not for me at least and I'm not sure if I can take care of my problems now either. I won't ever be able to face up to all the shit I've made for myself. So I'll keep running until I come to my dead end."
"But then it will be even harder for you. You have people who listens and are willing to help here. Everyone who's here wants you to get better so you can start your life for real. You just have to understand it. I'm here for you Louis, I know that you don't believe it but I am and I would not choose anywhere else to be if I could." I said honestly and Louis gave me a shy smile.
"Kiss me?" he whispered and I didn't response, I just pressed my lips to his.

A/N: Sooo hi! Fast update for once!

First off  I want to thank everyone for commenting on the latest chapter, I had almost lost faith in you guys. Almost.

But now we have to talk about another thing, the story is comming to an end (I remember when I wrote this part to Worthless...*le sigh*) it has only two more chapters ,which are pretty short ,sorry, and an Epilogue. So only three more parts left.

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting and fanning!

Lots of love

/Agnes :)

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