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"Serayah you have to get ready." The video director knocked lightly on her trailer door.

Serayah was four months pregnant now. She was going through perinatal depression the beginning of her pregnancy. Finding herself and her self worth was more complicated than she thought while she went through changes with her body.

Despite the drama, she was heartbroken that things had to come to that. She was hurt by the things that happened between her and Keilan.

She went from making music with him 24/7 while sharing feelings to arguing with him and bashing him on the internet to not speaking to him at all.

But, she was learning herself and actually took the time alone for herself to find peace and love within her.

In the mean time She tried not to grow as attached to Mykel because she needed to be alone relationship wise and if she wanted things to work with him in the future she needed to find happiness without him guiding her first. Without anyone guiding her.

She was sinking in her thoughts everyday slowly drowning.

"Serayah." The director knocked again and she dabbed a napkin under her eyelids before standing up.

"I'm ready." She cleared her throat walking pass him as she exited the trailer. "We have to finish today my gender reveal is tomorrow." She said.

"I was thinking we can get a few shots of you in the mirror on some scenes." He walked and talked.

"Can we do one over there too to show my baby bump?" I asked as i pointed.

"That's a perfect idea actually." He smiled.

On the other hand Mykel was busy occupying his mind by tending to his businesses. He still made sure everything was good with Serayah and their baby he was still there for her but he too wanted her to find happiness without him.

Although his advice and words to her were wise he knew that she had to guide herself. He didn't want to be reason why she found herself, he didn't want to be a necessity to her.

He wanted her to learn how to be happy on her own, to find her worth not so she can settle for someone she deserves but so she can feel comfortable with herself.

He knew that she needed time alone relationship wise. But just like it's hard for her not to grow attached, he was already attached yet he moved on by dating Layah.

He liked her, He enjoyed spending time with Layah their bond was growing closer everyday but they still weren't with each other and it was because of him.

"Mykel can we talk?" Layah asked. She had popped up at his club early in the morning knowing that he would be there.


"I've been doing some thinking and i don't thing we'll get pass the stage that we're in." She said.

"Why you think that?" He asked.

"Because, you want to be with Serayah." She said.

"Layah I- You don't have to explain it to me i've been in your position before, i'm not mad at all. I saw the way you looked at her that day she was here you can't continue to go out with me when you're in love with her." She cut him off.

"I know we started to get serious and you respected the boundaries for what we had but it's making you miserable because you want to be with her." She continued.

For the first time Mykel was stuck. He couldn't come up with a response for this conversation. Everything she said was true. Yes he liked being around Layah but his heart resides with Serayah.

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