Chapter 2

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[Mid-July 2015]

John and his father sigh in relief as they enter their home, hit by the air conditioning that helped cooled them down.

"God...damn it, Dad." John muttered, catching his breath. "What made you think...going for a run...on the hottest day of the fucking year...was ever a good idea?!" He was exhausted, giving himself just enough of a push to throw himself onto the side of the couch.

William couldn't be bothered and instead laid flat on the floor, also taking deep breaths. "Clearly...old age has...impacted my critical thinking."

John held up three of his fingers. "You owe me...that many boba visits...on the house."

"That's...yeah...that's fair."

As quick and competent as he could, William grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge. Ice cold, just what they needed.

"Here...before you die of heat stroke." He threw the bottle of water toward John.

The bottle slipped through John's fingers and instead hit him dead center in the face.


William spat out his water and laughed at his son. "So much for that reflex training!"

"Oh shut up, it happens!" John didn't argue beyond that, he just wanted the water. He ripped the cap off and chugged the fuck out of it.

"Jeez, John, slow down."

John directed a finger in his dad's direction, 'Silence'.

William rolled his eyes with a smile. Punk.

After finishing his water, John aimed and threw the bottle toward the kitchen trash can, making it in easily, raising his fists into the air lazily.

"Suck it!"


"The world?" John shrugged.

William hummed and nodded. "Agreed."

For a moment, William hesitated on bringing up the topic but went ahead with it. The sooner the better.

"So, John, do you know what Adrion and Claire have been up to?"

John visibly stiffened, eyes shifted to look at the floor.

"No, I don't." He ran a hand through his messy hair, a common action when he begins to feel uncomfortable.

"Don't see why I would. Adrion probably wants nothing to do with me." The look in John's eyes darkens. "And I especially don't want anything to do with that bitch."

The choice of wording made his dad frown. "I know what happened caused bad blood between you two, but you still hate her that much?"

"I..." John gripped his hair from frustration. "Whenever I think of her, all I see is her beaten down on the ground and I know—I fucking know that I went too far..."

John's tone became much harsher. "But then I see her with all those people...everyone that she gathered behind my back...and I remember how much of a snake she was! How much she betrayed me! It's hard to even call it that when she was just using it from the start!"

William grew confused and concerned. "John, what are you talking about? Claire using you? She's not like that—"

"Bullshit she's not!" John shouted. "I've seen it a thousand fucking times! She knew how strong I'd get and wanted..."

He went silent for a moment.

"She wanted to get closer to me to secure a top spot in the hierarchy. Like I was just a fucking lapdog..."

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