Chapter 16

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Here I am, about to walk into the lion's den, where almost certain death awaits me. I should've had a will written out after my first year.

Isen reached forward, hesitating momentarily, before sliding open the door to Room 221 and stepping through it. From the way the room was arranged, it looked like it belonged to one of the elective classes they had, probably some kind of debate club.

In the gap between two rows of seats stood Arlo, leaning against the desk, whose attention turned away from the school newspaper he was reading and toward Isen with a smile that would be charismatic—if the reporter was not mentally fearing for his life.

"Ah, there you are, Isen," Arlo lifted up the newspaper, displaying the front of it. "You made top story third week in a row, not bad."

Isen was thrown off by that but did his best to play it off, walking to stand in front of Arlo. "Well, you know, I'd like to think I'm pretty good at my job."

Arlo was silent for a moment, taking in the way Isen presented himself. There was a sense of caution from him, that was good. To not get on the wrong side of those stronger than yourself was a natural instinct, it kept people safe.

"Glad to hear considering I happen to find myself in need of your expertise."

"" Isen asked.

Arlo nodded in return. "I've heard good things about you from Cecile, how you're able to find out anything about anyone."

"That's a bit of an overstatement, but pretty much. What kind of information are you looking for?"

"I'm sure you're aware of the student who transferred here almost two weeks ago, John's his name." Arlo began, crossing his arms.

"Oh, yeah. It'd be kinda hard to not know about him."

"You're familiar with him?"

Isen gave a stiff shrug. "Not really. He's Blyke's roommate so I tend to see him in passing, but that's about it." Isen's only had a few conversations with that guy.

Roommates with Blyke?  Ah, right, Remi's friend. Used to be...well, that doesn't matter right now.

Arlo smiled, "Well if that's the case, that should make things easier. I want you to look into him."

Isen's brows furrowed. "Huh? How come?"

"I've encountered him a few times and...he puzzles me. There's no debate about him being strong—his scuffle with Seraphina should be enough proof of that—and yet, besides that, he's made no attempt to place himself in the higher ranks of the hierarchy, no word of what his ability or level could be. Not a single rank fight, even though he's certainly a high-tier.

"Not only that, I've heard around he involves himself in the matters of those beneath him, even being friends with low-tiers, while having no trouble getting along with the likes of Seraphina. His grades aren't anything worthwhile either. Frankly, he acts nothing like a proper High-Tier should. So I want you to look into his history, and find out what his deal is. Why he's like this."

Isen appeared pensive, he'd be lying if he said he didn't have any interest in John. He had that air of mystery that was always rather alluring. But there was also something about the guy that Isen wasn't sure about...

"Is this really necessary, Arlo? I mean, he's not really doing anything so why should you bother—"

"Him not doing anything is the exact problem," Arlo said sharply, cutting off Isen—whose heart began to quicken as he saw Arlo's eyes glow. "And frankly, I don't remember asking your opinion on the matter."

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